Monday, September 30, 2019

Advertising: Information or Manipulation Essay

Advertising, also known as a part of the marketing process, has a rich background. When we talk about marketing the first things that come to our mind are high profit, goods and services and of course consumers. Advertising’s role should only exist in order to help society by real information about products and services. Moreover, it helps consumers decide what to purchase according their actual needs. Advertisements are located everywhere and no one can avoid seeing them. Thus, every individual in exposed to seeing at least one advertisement. Advertising is a form of mass communication with the public. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade the potential customers to purchase or consume more of a particular brand of product/services. We could separate advertising in two categories. Giving information through advertising about a product is the first category that is innocent when facing the costumers. The second category has a manipulative effect on people. Thus, People exposed to specific advertisements are led to buy goods and services or do things that don’t actually want to do. And in order to attract audiences, some advertisers use different extreme technique that does more damage on the consumer’s life then with helping him. Therefore, we can say that advertising is based on manipulation and thus should be limited because it harmful. To start with, advertising reaches the mind of people and is dangerous when it is not real especially on children and youth. By unreal advertising we mean a shallow advertising that focuses on the desire and wants of people so the firms producing this product achieves sales and high profits. Young children are unable to understand advertising messages and the information given by these advertisements, therefore, children may consider these advertisements as the truth and the real world thus it will affect their behavior. According to the Washington post and their researches, â€Å"Federal regulators should restrict television advertising aimed at children 8 and younger because research shows youngsters lack the skills to question a commercial’s claims as anything but fact, the American Psychological Association said yesterday†. (Washington post article). Moreover, children will be affected by cartoons, kids’ shows†¦ Thus, manipulation is being forced on children by using the popular faces in cartoons like Hannah Montana, Dora†¦ For instance, during my childhood, there was a chocolate commercial for Disney (picture of the product) and the same chocolate bar was next to it. The price range was very apart since the chocolate by Disney was a brand name. And as a Disney fan I cried and begged for the chocolate bar that was by Disney. Thus, we can see here that manipulation in advertising is being implemented through the mind of children and is affecting their behavior.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alienation Essay

What does alienation mean to you? Being alienated means to be isolated and choosing not to be with anyone. It can also be someone who is not like the rest and is different. Alienation can be when you walk into a place, and people stare at you because you don’t belong there, resulting in fright of socializing with others. In the novel, Blue Winds Dancing, the narrator starts noticing a difference between the two landscapes. Thomas Whitecloud becomes alienated because he cannot see how he can live in both worlds without relinquishing his own pride. These civilized white men want us to be like them-always dissatisfied- getting a hill but wanting a mountain. † In this quote, Thomas Whitecloud explains what he comes to realize during his journey, he is defensive to White culture, due to willful pride. These differences can be felt internally and externally as the narrator searches how to deal with society in a respectful manner. Thomas Whitecould chooses to combine the two different cultures, â€Å"my people are not inferior nor are they uncivilized† and agree with the rest of society that you must be one or the other. I can identify with Thomas Whitecloud because I have been through a very similar experience. At a young age, I moved thousands of miles away from home, to America, without knowing any English or anyone except my mother and older sister. My first day of school was the day after getting here. After going to what would be my new school in the morning, and signing papers with my mother, I walked into my new class. Alone, isolated, and alienated was what I felt as I walked through those doors for the first time. People could tell by just looking at me that I wasn’t from anywhere around there. The worst part is that I could not communicate with anyone because they all spoke English, and I only knew Portuguese. I can be on familiar terms with Thomas White cloud because those experiences were very similar. Thomas Whitecloud and I were trying to find a place where we would fit in, a place where we belonged. Thomas Whitecloud and I both felt like we didn’t belong at that place, like we were not being accepted, we felt embarrassed, and different. I felt like this was the way it was going to be forever. But I was at school for a reason, to learn. Unlike Thomas Whitecloud, I quickly learned this whole other language and culture. That then allowed me to communicate with my peers. I mastered this new language, English, in a short amount of time. And little by little my classmates started communicating with me, even if it was saying â€Å"Hello†, or asking a question about homework. Unlike Thomas WhiteCloud, I was able to meet my classmates, and get to know them. Now that I have been able to analyze this subject, I have gotten a lot of things out of this story. It really is sad that citizens cannot learn to live between one another and feel happy and not feel so lost and isolated in society. The novel, â€Å"Blue Winds Dancing† is an example of this because Thomas WhiteCloud has a difficult time trying to find a way to live in both worlds without giving up his pride for his own culture. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best of both worlds. I really look up to Thomas Whitecloud because throughout the story, he did not give up on himself and his culture. Many people would take the easy way out, since it’s the most convenient, and try to fit it even if it means to forget about who they really are. People can become depressed, or they can start to hate themselves, or become detached from the world because of alienation. Feeling alienated can also lead to a person to go with in themselves, which is not a good place to be and very painful to recover from. Being alienated can also lead to loneliness which is a dangerous place. It is important to socialize with people, friends, and family, because it can also make a person more confident. It is important to feel connected with different types of culture and people. There is no good effects of alienation, it makes people feel unwelcomed, like an outcast, like a loner, and shunned. This is how society is, but it is not how society should be. Before acting, think about what affects it will the people around you, and yourself.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Critical analysis of book The Catcher in the Rye Essay

Critical analysis of book The Catcher in the Rye - Essay Example He is resoundingly negative in his view of the world, and his search for an identity is constantly filtered through his dark condemnation of virtually everything and everyone around him. The facts of his life show that he is unable to stick at anything for very wrong: he drops out of several schools, is hospitalized in a mental hospital, and seems unable to connect with anyone in a meaningful manner. This anomie is associated with two traumatic experiences: the death of his brother and the suicide of boy in one of classes. Holden searches for an identity through criticizing everyone around him. His word for them, one that has entered the language as a pejorative instantly associated with the character, is that they are all "phony". Virtually everybody that Holden sees around him is phony, and it is a judgment that eventually makes him turn towards himself. He judges people in a superficial way, and uses humor to cover the fact that he realizes how utterly alone he is in the world. The passage in which he imagines that someone will probably write "fuck you"2 on his grave his hilarious and yet deeply revealing. The fact that he would think about his own grave as a teenager, let alone the abuse that someone would write on his headstone, shows that Holden has a more imaginative and deeper view of the world than his resolute condemnations of everyone suggest. His cursing and his cynicism are perhaps a protection as, like many teenagers, he has no idea of what his real identity is or should be. This tendenc y is seen in the first lines of the book: If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. In the first place, that stuff bores me . . . 3 He adopts the pose of millions of teenagers who came after him: not caring about the world and all its conventionalities of biography, but accidentally reveals that he is surprisingly well-read. He has just been expelled from prep-school, and reveals that he has not only read Charles Dickens, but has understood it well enough to make fun of its conventions. Holden's search for identity throughout the novel is full of such accidental revelations of a deeper self. As with many teenage boys, Holden is obsessed with sex; but unlike many of them he is peculiarly puritanical about the subject. He admits that he is a virgin, and spends most of the novel trying to lose that virginity but also thinks that sex should only occur between people who care deeply about one another. Casual sex is an abomination to him, as when Jane has a date with a boy she hardly knows. At the same time, Holden reveals that he is interested in a much darker side of sexuality, such as the idea of spitting at a lover during the sexual act. Once again this reveals the depth of his imagination: he is a virgin but can imagine a particularly savage form of sexuality that involves humiliating and essentially hating the partner. He regards this behavior as "crumby", but want to indulge anyway. Holden's search for an identity is constantly hindered by his reluctance to move from his supposedly innocent childhood world of genuineness and openness into the hypocritical adult world of phonies. Here his name has important symbolic meaning. Caulfield

Friday, September 27, 2019

Compare Chinese monster and American monster Essay - 1

Compare Chinese monster and American monster - Essay Example Although many Chinese still believe that Nian exists, it has never appeared in the community or to a human again. Today, many of the Chinese light fireworks, as well as beat drums and gongs to drive the monster away. Modern people living in major towns and cities are the most notorious with the annual Spring Festival in commemoration of Nian the monster (Wong 27). In addition, the day signifies what most Chinese consider the unprecedented breakthrough after some villagers successfully tamed a horrible, ferocious monster that intimidated, attacked or even killed innocent people. Incidentally, tribulations of the village and the ultimate breakthrough forms the basis of contemporary traditions and customs associated with beating of drums, wearing red outfit and lighting of fireworks. The two other articles focus on Momo, an American monster. Momo (also known as the Missouri Monster) is hairy and foul-smelling (Hamilton 16). In general, the key differences between Nian and Momo highlight the fundamental cultural variation between China and the United States of America. The Big Book of Missouri Ghost Stories (2013) by Troy Taylor examines and analyzes the circumstances leading to the discovery of Momo the Missouri Monster. Apart from Momo, the article analyzes various legends and ghostly tales of Missouri (Taylor 130). In addition, the article asserts that most of the legends and ghostly tales consist of a mystery, bloodshed, and tragedy. Taylor further states that copious other stories about Missouri have since been lost in time, hidden or remained secret. Although a number of legends seem to have significantly impacted villages, towns and states, Americans do not take them seriously unlike the Chinese (Taylor 130). Louisiana residents have never considered the day some residents purportedly saw Momo special in their cultural history. Nevertheless, a few have forgotten the mystery and tribulations surrounding the reports about sightings of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Isaacs Storm book essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Isaacs Storm book - Essay Example Poor woman, she had been attacked by a mugger. We suspected the mugger was one of the many immigrants from Europe, who, after finding it hard to get a job, had turned to crime (Larson 18). The day started rather slowly, being a Saturday, there was not much to engage in. I planned to go to the beach in the afternoon, but I changed my mind. It had become extraordinarily windy and cloudy. Then the wind became catastrophic. It was blowing items all over. Then came the stormy rain and news of floods. I received the warnings of the impending floods after I called the Bureau of meteorology (Larson 43). Neighbors also informed me that an official from the Bureau known as Isaac Cline was going round the streets and beach warning people of the impending floods and informing them to move to the center of the town. Together with my family, we headed his advice and abandoned our house to seek safety at the town center. There was panic and fear as everyone scampered for safety in knee high flood waters (Larson 92). I hardly slept last. Together with other survivors, we had spent the night trying to salvage both life and property. Houses at the lower sides of the town had been destroyed by the raging waters. In order to survive, I and other survivors were on top of the floating debris shielding ourselves from the flying timber blown by the wind with pieces of wood. Despite this, many people who had managed to escape the wreck of their houses were killed atop the debris. We managed to land on a safe house. The water had subsided, though the rain was still heavy (Larson 286). I witnessed the most grievous loss of both life and property. Nearly half of the town’s residential area had been destroyed. This means that nearly six thousand people had perished. Dead bodies were being washed around by water. Crying people were in search of their family members and close relatives. Bodies trapped under rubble and wrecked houses were being retrieved. It was

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Gun laws In The Usa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gun laws In The Usa - Essay Example As such, guns assist in threatening burglars into submission of the law, where they surrender lest the weapon be fired on them. In addition legalizing firearms allows those that possess them to have an upper hand in cases of violence against them, where they buy time for the authorities to arrive and contain the situation by arresting the culprits. This means that legalizing guns is a positive thing to the entire society by curbing the occurrence of crime all over; thanks to the dangerous and life threatening nature of guns into coercing one to comply with demands for the right or moral thing to be done. In addition, the legalization of guns in the American society creates a suitable situation for all to stay away from violent activities that involve life-threatening situations. This is as seen through resolution of disputes through amicable means by persuading aggressors to steer off violence and embrace non-violent means of dispute resolutions. However, the above situation works if the person with the gun exercises his or her rationality in a life-threatening situation since he or she holds the upper hand. Having guns as legal items in America also serve to improve the security countrywide following the equality created in having them. This is through accountability and uniformity that is bound to be all over, considering that anyone with an interest in guns is bound to get and use it according to his or her discretion. This form of uniformity allows individuals to be accountable and responsible with their firearms such that they do not use them at will, but rather in situations that call for them. According to the above statement, cases of threats would be minimal, as would those of violent crime involving guns (Sabhalok). This is because; since everyone can easily get a legal firearm, disputes can and will be resolved more responsibly unlike in cases where only one of those involved owns a gun. As such, rationality will be conventional thing to do since fai lure to be rational would lead to loss of lives. In addition, it is conventional for misuse or abuse of items and substances to go low once the items are legalized for use by the public as is the case for alcohol consumption in relation to binge drinking (CBS News). According to this statement, once guns are legalized, crime rates are bound to go down as guns become prevalent among the public, and with laws governing their use. This is to say that the use of illegal firearms to commit crimes will be low allowing for members of the American society to live their lives in peace. Concerning self-defense, guns are crucial for protection of one’s wellbeing against evil elements in society. This is especially so for individuals with impairments or of a certain age, where their abilities are highly impaired or uncontrollable. As such, senior citizens find security in the guns since they cannot compete against young burglars and criminals (Codrea). As a result, having a gun allows th em to overpower the youth in crime and get their situations under control and save their lives, as well as protect that which belongs to them. Guns also lead to recognition of certain minority groups commonly discriminated against under the pretext of criminal activity. Guns put all the ethnic communities on the map, for the right reasons; thus

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing strategy and planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing strategy and planning - Assignment Example Until recently, the business of the business has been simply considered to be just ‘business’, but now, it is more than that and it should be able to contribute to social justice, community welfare, economic development and quality of social life as well. This piece of research paper explains the underlying concepts and modern aspects of corporate social responsibility in relation to the evaluation of social responsibility efforts made by three major companies, namely Apple Inc, Johnson & Johnson and Nestle. Corporate Social Responsibility The importance and the role of corporate social responsibility have been increasing continuously in the business contexts within the last few years and this is very evident from the fact that 90% of the fortune 500 companies have explicit social responsibility initiatives (Bueble, 2009, p. 1). CSR is discerned from three words, namely Corporate, Social and Responsibility, covering the relationship between corporations and the societies in relation to how they both interact. To be more specific, it includes the responsibilities that are inherent in the relationship between the corporate and the society (Werther and Chandler, 2006, p. 6). According to Kotler and Lee (2005, p. 3), corporate social responsibility is a commitment to improve community well-being through discretionary business practices and by contributing corporate or business resources. Business activities or community well-being efforts that are already mandated by the law or are generally accepted as moral and ethical are exempted by the term ‘discretionary’. The idea behind the concept of CSR is that all business organizations and their leaders must consider the impact of their decisions and activities on the community as a whole and they must be able to assume certain responsibilities that are expected of them. The social responsibility of a business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations that the soci ety has of the organization for a given period of time (Sims, 2003, p. 43). A business organization is not only expected to meet customer needs and wants, but also to satisfy customer needs and wants in a way that are corresponding to the legal, ethical, social, moral and discretionary expectations of the customers and all other stakeholders. As part of the social responsibility, a business should be able to improve social life of the general public, foster economic development of the nation, improve the quality of the life of its people and enhance social and community well-being of the society at large. In order a business to be socially responsible, it has to fulfill the rules and regulations that are entrusted to them by the legal system and responsibilities that are expected of them by the society, function according to the ethical and moral aspects that the business has to meet. Pearson and Robinson (2004, p. 50) emphasized that there are basically four elements of the social commitments involved in the CSR, they are economical, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities. Holme and Watts’ view on CSR Many different views and definitions on

Monday, September 23, 2019

Historical Periods and Feminist Stylistics Coursework

Historical Periods and Feminist Stylistics - Coursework Example However, the rise of women to power did not take place in an impulse. It happened in stages, and this stage-by-stage change may have been reflected in the literature (as a mouthpiece for context, society) across these periods. Language stylistics is the product and/or evidence of this evolution of language. This paper analyses this accompanying reflective evolution of language stylistics based on three texts from three periods: Shakespeare’s Macbeth from the renaissance and reformation period; Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility from the romantic period; and Hume Sotomi’s The General’s Wife from the post-modernist period. This analysis will cut across the three levels of language: the word (vocabulary); the phrase or sentence; and the discourse. Renaissance and Reformation Period: Grammatical Possession in Shakespeare’s MacbethWhile the aspects of feminist stylistics may have to do with the evolution of feminist movement, the fact that it focuses mo re on female writers makes it only natural that the feminine voice should be pronounced in their works, feminist movement or not. But in the broader discussion on the evolution of feminism, to give voice solely to the women would not be fair. A male voice is equally important, at least for balance’s sake. Besides, the feminine voice is only identifiable vis-Ã  -vis the masculine voice. But most importantly, men have also been part of the feminist movement. The plan is to find how this is exemplified in language. Shakespeare is a suitable candidate. Not only because he is male.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Plans and direct actions Essay Example for Free

Plans and direct actions Essay A church leader knows how to plan and direct actions to avoid any mistakes being made. He formulates and deploys plans to achieve objectives – he directs the work accordingly until it finishes. He creates different questions in his mind; for example, what to do, why to do it, when to do it, how to do it, who to do, and how to finish it. A church leader’s plans are simple, people who work as group members and other people who follow him understand his plans clearly. He forms teams and give them duties so that they can work with authority and responsibility. He makes rules that people accept to follow. The God wants a church leader to share His vision with his team members and people. A good church leader knows how to put the God given plan into practice. A church leader is the person who influences his team members and leads team members to carry out the agreed objectives, by following the example of the Christ. People under him follow his way of life; a church leader gets people to act on church and mission goals, and he also ministers the need of people. A Church leader humbly realizes that he needs Gods help and needs it in developing good plans that will work for others. These working plans then successfully meet the desired goals. A church leader does not build plans for other people to merely honor them, but he does it for the good of his people with everlasting results. UNCHANGED LOYALTY A church leader demonstrates loyalty that never changes. A church leader is faithful to his promises and duties. He never finds fault in his job; people respect him as a man of God living among them. A church leader gives his life to Gods mission and purpose and spends his entire life doing it. Loyalty being a leadership quality, a church leader is always loyal to God and his people. A church leader needs loyalty to start and grow a church or group. A loyal church leader is the base of a healthy church to grow and a key element for a church to produce other churches. A church leader influences others in his ministry through his loyalty to Jesus Christ as the Savior and Lord. A loyal church leader produces loyal members he starts and finishes his job with his team very well. A successful Christian leader is always keen and willing to work with a community or groups. He has a strong desire to develop community services together. USE OF GOD’S GIFTS God has gifted all people with different abilities and characteristics. Nowadays, this divine gift directs people to serve churches, as ushers, church school teachers, financial officers, directors of food pantries, youth leaders, and in so many other roles. It all starts with gifts, which can be utilized in a variety of ways. Gifts are given by the God to everyone. The God doesn’t limit the gifts to his people, so we shouldn’t limit leadership to others. The potential to lead by using gifts for enabling others in ministry does not requires intelligence, education, economic status, age, gender, or any other human distinction. â€Å"Children and youth, as well as adults, all are gifted. Women and men, boys and girls have all been gifted which they can use in leadership of a church. It does not mean, however, that everyone should be an administrator of a church†. Gifts are several and of different nature, the variety of these gifts is much greater than churches usually realize. There are many gifts beyond the gifts that are usually used in preaching, teaching, and committee work. If one is to use all God given gifts for his leadership within a church, he/she must discover that wide range of gifts, and welcome the spirit to employ them. It is not always an easy task for a human to identify gifts since gifts have strange way of hiding themselves, particularly from those people who hold them. God’s given gifts are so much a part of our personality that people not likely to think of them as gifts. For example, if a person is a good organizer, he must recognize this specialty and take it as a gift given by God. As God’s gifts are discovered by interacting with others. However, discovering gifts is not enough because many people use there gifts haphazardly, with no attention to their development. God’s given gift’s effectiveness can be significantly enhanced through intentional development of them. For example, if a person with natural painting ability can choose not to practice or take lessons and keep his ability as hobby and keeps his gift undefined from being fully utilized for service. The church leaders provide opportunities to people for training and development of Gods given gifts. They are intentional about using these gifts of children and youth in future leadership. The church leaders encourage their members to affirm and identify one another’s gifts. People discover and experiments their gifts in an atmosphere of acceptance provided by the church leader. A church leader expands his understanding in order to be comprehensive and not neglect people’s gifts.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Caged Bird by Maya Angelou Essay Example for Free

Caged Bird by Maya Angelou Essay Question: Explore the ways in which the poets in the following poems use imagery to vivid effect. Use examples from both the poems. Caged Bird by Maya Angelou Before the Sun by Charles Mungoshi The poem, Caged Bird by Maya Angelou, dramatizes the discrimination between the blacks and the whites. As this issue relates to the life of the poet, she expresses her way of thinking through this poem. The poet speaks about two birds, one which is free, expressing the freedom which the blacks desire, and another a caged bird, articulating their actual standing. The poet puts across her thoughts in order to evoke an emotion of sympathy towards the Afro-Americans, from the readers. To give a more vivid and an effective outcome, the poet has used various imageries to convey an array of feeling. The poet talks about the liberty of the free bird by saying, dips his wing in the orange suns rays and dares to claim the sky1. This sentence gives us the impression of how the free bird opens its wings and flies around in the blue sky, without any obstructions by anyone. This is a desire which the Afro-Americans in the society had, as they were always under restrictions by the whites. In the next stanza, we see that, Maya speaks of a caged bird that can, seldom see through his bars of rage his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing2. This image of the condition of the caged bird gives us the knowledge that it cannot fly or even walk, on top of it, the bars of the cage makes him furious. The Afro-Americans of the world were in the same position, where the limitations were raising their temper, however they could not demand and fight for their justice. There was a terror in the voice of the caged bird as the poet says that it sings with a fearful trill3. Being restrained from many matters of life, a dread of panic had entered the Afro-Americans. They were terrified of each and every move of the whites, although they longed for a day when they will gain freedom. caged bird sings of freedom4, through this sentence, the poet compares the caged bird and the Afro-Americans of the society, as both hopes for free will. A very strong imagery of the horror of the Afro-Americans is being given in the fifth stanza of the poem. Maya uses the words, stands on the grave of dreams5, to show how the hardships and frustrations of living in a segregated Afro-American community has forced the Afro-Americans to think that their wishes and demands have come to an end, as they are dominated by the rules of white people. An image of a grave tells us that the surrounding is dark, lonely and gloomy; therefore we get an impression about the kinds of thoughts which go across in the Afro-American group of peoples minds. They face so much of annoyance and dissatisfaction that, just a nightmare can make even their shadows scream of terror. The last stanza of the poem again repeats the lines in the third stanza, emphasizing on the yearning of freedom by the Afro-Americans, though having a dread in them. Therefore, we saw how Maya Angelou has used various effective imageries in conveying the sentiments and emotions of the Afro-Americans. The poem, Before the Sun by Charles Mungoshi, sensationalizes the emotions of a child who is in his childhood, but on the verge of becoming an adult. The boy is on the threshold of maturity. The poet speaks about a child, who is in his adolescence and who is very close to nature. Therefore, the poet uses vivid imageries of nature to convey the thoughts of the boy. The boy communes with nature and the universe. We read the poem through the boys voice. In the first stanza itself, we get the hint that the boy is close to the nature. We can see that, the child is waiting for the sun to come up as he says, Intense blue morning promising early heat6, so that he can have a new start of the day. The figurative meaning of this would be that, he is waiting for his manhood to come. His childhood is the night, which is innocent of the activities going on in the world, and the sun for which he is waiting is his adulthood, which will bring a new day in his life. This day is revealing, which results in a loss of innocence of the night, i.e. the boys childhood, as he will gain experience. The second stanza is an image, where we visualize the boy cutting a wood with an axe. This is a very effective image, as we actually have the vision of cutting of a tree and, the chips flying away. This is shown as Mungoshi says in this stanza, The bright chips fly from the sharp axe7. The word, arc, is very effective, as it has both, visual and an audible image, of the short span of time when the axe is whacked on the tree, and the chip of the wood, flies and settles down n the grass, making the shape of an arc in the air. The third stanza has an imagery of a, big log8, of wood being wanted by the boy to cut. A sense of achievement is being shown by Mungoshi, which the boy desires, as he is in his teenage years. The fifth stanza has again a very strong and an effectual imagery of the wood being cut, and dust coming out of the wood. The phrase, It sends up a thin spiral of smoke which later straightens and flutes out to the distant sky: a signal- of some sort, or a sacrificial prayer.9 This is a visual image, where the boy tells the readers, that how, when the wood is being cut, the smoke makes a spiral shape and moves up. The words, flutes out, tells us that the smoke makes a sound while going up, which is very similar to the sound of a flute. The boy considers moving away towards his adulthood by sacrificing his childhood, as a result he says, that the smoke which is going is, a sacrificial prayer. The wood hisses, The sparks fly10, is an imagery of log of woods burning in the fire, and the sparks makes a kind of sound. This fire can be the image of a sacrificial fire, as he imagines of sacrificing childhood. The last stanza of the poem has an imagery of the process of eating, as the boy says, taking big alternate bites: one for the sun, one for me11. The last line, two little skeletons in the sun, tells us that the two skeletons are two cobs of maize which the boy was eating, although, this image can be the remains of his childhood, which he sacrificed. Therefore, we see how Charles Mungoshi has used vivid and effective visions and sounds to portray the feelings of the boy in moving towards maturity and adulthood. In the end, it is seen that both the poems have one major theme in common, i.e. the desire of freedom. The Afro-Americans symbolized by the caged bird wants the freedom of rights and speech, and on the other hand the adolescent boy wants to enjoy the same lack of restrictions enjoyed by the adults. Both of them are impatiently waiting for their freedom. 1 Caged Bird, by Maya Angelou Stanza 1, l-3 2 Caged Bird, by Maya Angelou Stanza 2, ll-5-6 3 Caged Bird, by Maya Angelou Stanza 3 l-7 4 Caged Bird, by Maya Angelou Stanza 3 l-10 5 Caged Bird, by Maya Angelou Stanza 5 l-14 6 Before the Sun, by Charles Mungoshi Stanza 1 ll-1-2 7 Before the Sun, by Charles Mungoshi Stanza 2 ll- 5-6 8 Before the Sun, by Charles Mungoshi Stanza 3 l-12 9 Before the Sun, by Charles Mungoshi Stanza 5 ll- 20-25 10 Before the Sun, by Charles Mungoshi Stanza 6 ll- 26-27 11 Before the Sun, by Charles Mungoshi Stanza 8 ll- 38-41

Friday, September 20, 2019

Behaviour Modification Case Studies

Behaviour Modification Case Studies BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION SOPHIA A. JOHNSON 24 year old Marla suffers from extreme fear of social situations, she is employed to an advertising firm where she is expected to interact in multiple social setting as a means of networking. Marla is afraid if she does not get help she may lose her job. Marla is suffering from a fear of social situations, the operant behavior is her inability function in a social setting such as maintaining eye contact, she holds her head down, eyes lowered and her words are often inaudible. She often displays a slight nervous shaking almost in a trembling manner and her palms also becomes moist and sweaty making it socially inappropriate to shake hands. A flushed complexion also results from being in any social situations. This extreme fear of social situation is overcome by Marla escaping or engaging in an avoidance response known as the operant behavior, which is exhibited when the fear producing-stimulus (social settings) is present. In this case study Marla’s respondent behavior we see where she is unable to function in any social situation and prior to being employed she was able to avoid attendance to social events or gatherings. When Marla is in a social situation or functions this known as the CS (conditioned stimulus) that causes the CR (conditioned responses) which is fear or anxiety. Respondent behavior aids in the development of an anxiety problem by how the fear is able to be developed through conditioning as a result of the response received when the fear is encountered. Such as Marla avoiding going to parties or attending functions or public events. Systematic and in-vivo desensitization are from a list of techniques used to modify the behavior of those suffering from fear or anxiety. Systematic desensitization was developed by Joseph Wolfe and â€Å"practices relaxation while imagining scenes of the fear producing stimulus†, (Miltenberger, 2012, p. 480). There are three steps for a successful systematic desensitization technique to be effective, learnt relaxation skills, hierarchy list of fear producing stimuli’s and use of both relaxation and fear producing stimuli’s being repeatedly shared with the client until the fear is extinct. In-vivo desensitization differs in that it moves beyond imagining to actually exposing the client to that which he/she fears, the client must then learn to remain relaxed and use the substituted reaction while engaging in the experience of fear or anxiety. One advantage of systematic desensitization is its ease and convenience for the client, not an immediate interaction with the fear. The disadvantage is that the client may be able to maintain composer while imaging the fear but is unable to follow through of maintaining the relaxation technique when faced with the real stimuli. (Miltenberger, 2012, p. 485), notes that the most effective of the two are usually in-vivo desensitization, the advantage of choosing this method is the encounter is real and allows for the fear to be addressed on the spot and any adjustment to the relaxation technique can be noted or corrected. The disadvantage however, is it is difficult depending on the type of fear and can be time consuming and expensive for both client and therapist. Marla’s Behavior Modification Procedure Relaxation techniques deep breathing, head up and maintain eye contact she will learn to take (rapid, shallow breaths that come from her chest and quietly exhales to decrease her heart rate and calm the nervousness). Create a list of Marla’s fears with rating scale for effectively facing fears and utilizing respondent techniques starting with family gatherings (20), school functions (20) office gatherings (20), and work functions (40). Practice the relaxation techniques by doing a mock function at the therapy center, then have Marla host a small party at home for family and friends, attend office gatherings and move unto the business functions). Using the in-vivo desensitization behavior modification procedure to help Marla deal with her fear of social situations, this procedure was chosen because it was time sensitive for the client to have her fear under control as if affected her job functioning. The hierarchy was chosen by first using a familiar surroundings and group to give her the support and opportunity to practice the relaxation techniques without fear of incidents, then she would move on to less comfortable situations as she gained confidence she would finally be allowed to attend a business function and face her biggest platform for her fear. It is expected that through each mock stage the alternative response will replace the fear response. Other ABA-based treatment that can be used to decrease fear and anxiety are flooding which is the process of â€Å"exposing the individual to the feared stimulus at full intensity for a prolonged period†, there is also modeling which is used with children it allows a â€Å"child to observe another person approaching the feared stimulus or engaging in the feared activity, which hopefully helps the child to then be more likely to engage in similar behavior† (Miltenberger, 2012, p. 486) The different procedures are dependent on the type, level and degree of fear as well as the age of the person being treatment, often times multiple treatment options may have to be used to successfully help the individual overcome their fear. 6 year old Jon has a hair pulling habit/ self-stimulatory behavior, he is of normal intelligence and is known to only engage in the behavior while being inactive, this can be while watching television, quiet time in school, or waiting in line with his parents. Target behavior of hair pulling defined as the fingers-to-hair contact with or without a pulling motion and twirling. It also includes taking hand to head and grabbing a hand full of hair in a continuous downward motion. (Miltenberger, 2012), defines a behavior excess as an â€Å"undesirable target behaviorthe person wants to decrease in frequency, duration, or intensity†. In the case of Jon, we would like to decrease or eliminate the number of times he engages in hair pulling while inactive. Short-term implications that may affect Jon is that he may have headaches from the continuous pulling of his hair or scalp irritation may occur. He may also engage in pulling the hair of others causing harm. The long-term implications are bald spots or trichotillomania. (Functional Analysis and Treatment of Chronic Hair Pulling in a Child with Cri du Chat Syndrome: Effects on Co-Occurring Thumb Sucking, 2008) Since the sensory stimulation from manipulating his hair between his thumb fingers reinforces Jon’s behavior, a recommended habit reversal inclusive of â€Å"awareness training, a competing response training, social support, generalization strategies, and motivational strategies† (Miltenberger, 2012, p. 516) will be used. Based on the information share we are aware of the times that the hair pulling occur, we now need to engage Jon and his caregivers into becoming aware of the moments leading up to the hair pulling. Once awareness training has been established we can engage in a competing response training using the differential reinforcement method of reinforcing Jon non-hair pulling with praise and a token system. Social support of his caregiver using cues such as hands from hair, or no pulling of hair, or giving him a book to color while they wait in line, or hands in lap as he sits during quiet time will help to reinforce the desirable behavior. Use of motivational strategies such as letting him know how neat and nice his hair looks can help to dissuade him from engaging in hair-pulling. If Jon had an intellectual disability and was unable to comprehend why pulling his hair is bad, I would utilize a different habit reversal procedure to increase its effectiveness, I would suggesting keeping his hair short to alleviate his hair pulling action. Since hair pulling is often maintained due to automatic reinforcement using other appropriate methods of removing the stimulation received from the action will aid in reducing behavior. References Functional Analysis and Treatment of Chronic Hair Pulling in a Child with Cri du Chat Syndrome: Effects on Co-Occurring Thumb Sucking. (2008). Retrieved from Association for Behavior Analysis International: Miltenberger, R. (2012). Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures. 5th Edition. Wadsworth.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fifteen Meditations on Masculinist Physico-Spiritual Experience :: Philosophical Philosophy essays

Fifteen Meditations on Masculinist Physico-Spiritual Experience I am not my body, I am not my mind, I am not my soul. I am the breath of life, I am the breath of God. A golden retriever was once abused by a man and rescued by a woman who had a daughter in an all-girls Catholic high school. I paid them a visit one day. The dog stood behind the clear plastic door, wagging her tail, but as I ascended the steps she suddenly soured, and by the time the door opened and I was inside, she was cowering under the dining room table where she stayed for the duration of my visit with intermittent miserable howls. "She won't have anything to do with men," my friend explained. Even the scent of testosterone has its spiritual message. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. The founder of modern philosophy had a number of disciples who applied the master's theoretical teachings in the practical field of dog-torturing. They felt these experiments demonstrated the superiority of man as a spiritual creature. Rene Descartes wanted to rewrite the philosophical canon by asserting only what he knew to be true or could logically derive. Sequestered in a stove-heated room, he realized he could doubt that his body, or even the whole world, existed, but he could not doubt was that he was thinking. I think, therefore I am. Descartes is a spiritual, immaterial, thinking thing; the rest is mere body, a separate substance. Continuing in this vein, he determined that human beings are the only animals who have souls. Therefore humans are the only animals who can think, feel, experience, or matter to God. I am going to drive nails through this dog's paws. I am going to vivisect its chest and show you its beating heart-such awesome machinery, praise the Architect on high! Its howls, this deafening din of a universe shattering-a purely mechanistic response! I am taking over this operation. If you cringe, you may leave, and don't come back. The serious student of philosophy thinks with his mind, not his body; his soul, not his flesh. Air my breath and fire my spirit, earth my body, water my blood. Tertullian, who lived in the Roman city of Carthage in the third century, was a sensual man who loved spectacles. After seeing how bravely Christian prisoners endured public torture, humiliation, and death, he became intrigued with the persecuted religion and eventually converted.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Man the Hunter Revisited Essay -- Anthropology, Hunting

Man the Hunter: Revisited In 1966, a group of about fifty anthropologists met in Chicago for a conference that would later known as the â€Å"Man the Hunter† meeting. The meeting contrasted with earlier scholarship and presented a Hollywood approach to the topic of early man, one where our ancestors were strong, powerful, and in control of their environment. Anthropologists Sherwood L. Washburn and C.S. Lancaster (1968), both present at the conference claimed, â€Å"our intellect, interests, emotions, and basic social life—all are evolutionary products of the success of the hunting adaptation†. The book Man the Hunter that emerged from the conference forced a re-evaluation of human subsistence strategies and the role of the hunter in human society. Although the idea of man as hunter, and thus exclusive provider, was initially disproved when it was shown that humans also relied on scavenging and were indeed hunted, the theory maintains relevance in modern anthropology. The theory itself p ushed researchers to challenge prior assumptions regarding the role of females in society and helped develop the hunter-gatherer by sex theory that remains in place today. Importantly, whereas the original man as hunter thesis was groundbreaking because it challenged the scientific communities’ prior belief in an ancient man who was primitive and weak, modern researchers have built off of the man the hunter thesis and now debate the motivations for men to hunt. While our human ancestors may not have been the strong, bloodthirsty, killers once imagined by Raymond Dart, new studies conducted by modern anthropologists have revived this famous, yet once discarded theory. The authors who contributed to the Man the Hunter text (1968) concluded, â€Å"to assert th... ... from a more balanced perspective. Given the importance of the theory and its affect on how modern humans view our ancestral past, the studies themselves have exposed the depth of which cultural bias can affect scientific outcome. The male dominated research of the 1960’s produced an image of ancestral man akin to a comic superhero, large, brawny, and dominant. In response, the female literature of the 1970’s and 1980’s discredited the ideas and placed emphasis on the woman gatherer in early society. Likewise, modern research has attempted to distance itself from the bias of the past, however even today assumptions make there way in to the research. While the man the hunter theory may not be headline news in this modern era, present day research approaching our past from a more scientific approach appears to have restored credibility to the once tarnished model.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Witness Statement

Witness Statement/Bosnia I think that we should not go to war unless the United States’ military, citizens, or leaders are involved in the problem. A very good example of when we did help and it ended badly was what happened in Bosnia in 1992. Many different ethnic and religious groups lived together under a repressive communist government in Yugoslavia. In April 1992, Serbia set out to ethnically cleanse the Bosnian territory by removing all Bosnian Muslims, the Bosniaks, after the president Tito died in 1980.In 1993, The UN learned about this cleanse and made Sarajevo and many other places safe areas for Bosniaks. Slobodan Milosevic responded to the UN by attacking Bosniaks and surrounding Sarajevo. He blocked all roadways and closed down all the airports in Sarajevo. The Serbs then opened fire on thousands of UN peacekeepers and other citizens. This was the largest massacre in Europe since World War 2 by killing a rough total of 23,000 women and children and 8,000 men, whic h many were part of the UN aid.The UN tried to help again by sending thousands of flights to try and air lift the remaining people out of this unsafe area. In December 1995, the U. S. led negotiations that ended the conflict in Bosnia and provided a force to maintain the problems in the area until it was safe. Some could argue that the UN’s help was critical to stopping this issue, but I think it made it worst. I understand that the issue would have been terrible if no one stepped in but the Serbs didn’t actually do something until they noticed that the UN declared a safe zone.The UN making a safe zone made Milosevic angry and he then took over the safe zone. It was unnecessary for anyone to get involved in this issue besides the Serbs and Bosniaks. There were many deaths that could have been stopped if the UN just left the situation unfold by itself. I think that we should not go to war unless we are a part of the problem and this is a perfect example of why.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Leadership Interview Essay

Could you speak a bit about your background and the role you have today? I first started school for engineering, and then after two years I found my passion was in nursing. So I started over at school, taking different types of classes as I pursued nursing, and three years later graduated with a nursing degree. Several different paths where traveled in nursing for me, meaning I tried many different departments and assignments. Then by accident I ended up as an RN case manager for mentally ill clients. Psych was never my intended path, but I loved it from the first day. I am now a Manager of a group of outpatient clinics for mentally ill clients and love it. I cannot see myself doing anything else now. How would you describe a leader? A good leader is only as good as the group you are leading is what I was always told. That does help, but there is a lot more that goes into it. I believe a quality leader should also be a good teacher. A leader needs to have the knowledge to pass on to those they lead. A good leader has to be able to listen as well. While those under me may look to me for answers, I have to realize that I may not always have that answer. I may have to take input from my staff, my superiors, and even clients in making proper decisions. Another attribute that is important is a critical thinker. A leader has to think on the go, and know that the answers are not always text book answers. Thinking outside the box sometimes is needed. I also need to earn trust and respect from my staff and those I oversee to be effective. What are important qualities or characteristics of leaders? It is important to have an open door policy, and listen to each staff member’s concerns. You need to be open to changes and be empathic for those who do not deal well with change. A leader needs to be forceful and fair to everybody. Confidence and inner strength will show through, making the staff or those you oversee more confident in your abilities. A diploma on the wall may get you a position in the leadership. But only demonstrating advanced social and professional skills will allow your team to trust you, which in turn, will make for a more productive team. What is your personal philosophy? Personally, my philosophy revolves around the construction of clear and workable vision of what needs to be accomplished. I try to envision the future, and make goals that will benefit the clients, as well as the facility and staff. Building a quality team is not as easy as hiring qualified individuals. Leading means are getting individuals to work as one coherent team. To do this, I need to be able to discipline, listen, and even moderate discussion. My personal ego cannot be larger than any staff member, or the team as a whole. I need to take criticism, and be able to see others’ points of views. I want my entire team to feel as if they are important cogs in the machine. I believe a leader accepts responsibility, and in doing so never places themselves above the team. What learning experiences have had the most influence on your own personal development as a leader? Experiences that shaped my growth began in childhood with the support of my family. I was always told I could do or be anything if I worked hard enough. I took that to heart, and excelled in school and sports. When I started college I had no real answer for what I wanted to be, but the drive that was inside me drove me down this path. Professionally, I once had a manager that loved her job and showed it with every meeting. Her passion reminded me of my parents and what they had taught me. She was a true role model in my professional life. I was also blessed to have quality teachers throughout my years of schooling. Coaches played a key role in my development as a leader too. Unfortunately, I also dealt with my fair share of poor supervisors too. Seeing the impact poor leadership can have in a work environment can be just as enlightening for someone looking to move into a leadership pos ition. Luckily, I do not use them as role models. At least I tried not to. How do you see leadership evolving in nursing today? Leadership in nursing is headed into many different fields today. Nursing roles are evolving with new technologies, new specialties, and higher levels of nursing. Because of the need for healthcare increasing, nurses are being tasked with more responsibility too. Nurses are now asked to step up and become leaders on the floor, in schools, in management, and many other aspects of healthcare. Nurses are becoming leaders in the development of strategies in developing and delivering the product to the consumer. Nurses were viewed as employees who followed doctors’ orders in the past. Today nurses have the ability to grow beyond that, and in doing so, nurses can take the lead in providing care. Leader can positively impact the health care system within which they operate. Nurses will be leading more clinics and other facilities in an effort to care for the increase in those seeking healthcare. Healthcare is a business, and nurses are trained in that business. So it is only common sense that these highly trained people should play a leading role in the changes we will see. What are the most challenging issues in your current position? The biggest challenge is trying to get more funding for the mentally ill. It can be hard to deal with all the meetings that we have to get money for medication, treatment, food and housing and to stay upbeat as a leader. But I love this job, and my clients, so that makes it worth dong. It is also very difficult to find enough staffing for mental health. It can be a very taxing job, and it takes a special person to be able to handle the position in mental health, especially in the long term. Finding professionals with the patience needed in dealing with our clients is always a huge challenge. As a leader (or manager) in your career have you had a mentor? If so, how did this influence your leadership style? I had a supervisor that taught me to leave the business at the door and never bring it home. Working in m ental health can be emotionally draining, so this tiny bit of advice is important for me to keep in my mind. If I took my work home, I would need help soon. What advice would you give someone who is aspiring to a leadership position? My advice would be to learn as much as you can for the position. Use the knowledge you have gained through seeing others in leadership positions to your advantage too. Remember the qualities of leaders who brought out the best in you, and try to bring those qualities to the position. Also, be  humble. Becoming a leader will not end your education. It is just the next step in your evolution. In conclusion, a leader is somebody who accepts responsibility. A leader is a person who can see the big picture. A person, who is adaptable and able to bring out the best in others, is a leader. A person who cares enough to make the team stronger for the benefit of all involved is a leader. A leader is a person who can moderate, discipline, coordinate, listen and teach in a way that demands respect and confidence from those they lead. References Sullivan, E., & Decker, P. (2009). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. References Sullivan, E., & Decker, P. (2009). Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Essay Courage

Courage is a highly acclaimed trait in a person. It is raised up in war and times of struggle, but sometimes the intentions behind these courageous actions are overlooked. The value of courage lies not in the act itself, but in the motivations and values behind it. Simple being brave does not constitute courage. If an act is performed that has no thought behind, it loses its value. In the words of orator and lawyer Robert Green Ingersoll, â€Å"Courage without conscience is a wild beast. One should give some thought to an action before acting upon it. Without thought, or â€Å"conscience†, the action can be untimely and uncontrolled as would a â€Å"wild beast. † In 1999, two young men went on a shooting rampage at Columbine High School. This rash action, lacking conscience or concept of right and wrong, did not exhibit courage. Rather, good intentions and motivations should fuel courageous actions. As British author Samuel Johnson states, â€Å"Bravery has no place w here it can avail nothing. In other words, courage or bravery is worthless and unnecessary if the final outcome cannot be beneficial. For example, the terrorists involved with the September 11th tragedy were not considered to be courageous here in the United States. Their actions caused grief and sorrow. Nothing positive resulted from their actions, so the United States and her allies looked upon this as a cowardly action. Courage is defined by the motivations and thoughts that exist within the action.If these do not exist, the value of courage is lost. As with the terrorists and the two young men at Columbine, their actions did indeed require nerve. However, they cannot be seen as courageous because of the lack of good motivation and value behind them. Even if one's courageous action does not turn out to be effective, others will know that the right intentions existed. For that, they will recognize true courage.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Knowledge Management Life Cycle

Executive summaryThe concept of Knowledge Management comes from the very definition to capture information and content for deriving a value out of it after performing some meaningful operations.  The life cycle would contemplate the process of knowledge procurement to final derivation of meaningful information for processing and further integration.  The identification of several categories which would act as placeholders for the information must be in right hands equipped with right tools so that appropriate function is performed with it.Knowledge Management Life cycleThe step 1 in this process is the identification of the fact that knowledge is king to any organisation and its evaluation, processing and its implementation must be identified in the proper context so as to capitalize on the resources for its optimum usage.Figure 1 : KM CycleThe first task is the formation of Knowledge Management (KM) teams so that the information falls into the right hands for successful processi ng. The KM teams are responsible for procurement of the information, after a thorough analysis of the business scenario. It is also decided whether the system is feasible to handle the KM process from its thought generation stage to post evaluation stage. The economic, technical and behavioral feasibility is obtained at the first level. After evaluating costs, schedule the process takes a momentum for further proceeding. The key stakeholders of the system are the crucial components and are the burning fuel for successful proceeding with the project.The second stage is the ‘What’ and ‘How’ of the system, meaning what needs to be done? And how will one do it? The capture of knowledge must be identified and analyzed thoroughly so that everything works out successfully in the initiation phase.  The third phase is the process of development. Unless the process is identified accurately, the motive of the KM system remains quite incomplete in nature. What to be processed and the objective for doing it? – the meaning must be quite clear at this level. The processing logic is devised by the expert or a set of experts. The business objectives behind the KM process must be evaluated quite well.The fourth phase would mark the designing of the blueprint which would hold information about the scope of the KM system, its interoperability and scalability issues, required system components and the system design and implementation techniques (Awad, 2001). After the roll of the blueprint the system has got a definition of the exact requirements it desires to cater. The system development is started at this level using a RAD model.  After the design is complete the system architecture is set up and all the inputs and outputs are well highlighted through the use of user interface, authentication issues, collaborative agents, application layer, internet layer, and the physical layout of the system (Fan, 2003). After the development phase, the KM system is verified and validated for any errors and defects.After all the stages are over, the final implementation takes the role of implementation where the present legacy system. It requires conversion of the existing system into the new or transferring the essential components into the new KM system. The final stage is user training and feedback mechanism which adds a new dimension to the system and it creates a self learning environment for further incorporating the deficiencies of the dynamic business scenario (McElroy, 1999).A very challenging environment would be to integrate all the systems in the organizations so that information derived from them can be successfully captured for deriving knowledge which would enter a cycle for further derivation of innovative thoughts for the long term success of the business.ConclusionThe KM process is quite essential for managing the information in any organization and deriving greater innovative business thoughts from the information flow in the business and its correct representation and identification of resources for growth and prosperity in enveloping challenges.References/BibliographyFan Yushan (2003). Knowledge Network and Knowledge Management. See: /Year2003/ljq_ICAM03_0312.pdf   

Asylum Seekers Essay Example for Free

Asylum Seekers Essay I have chosen to do my discursive essay on asylum seekers. I will try to separate lies from facts. I had to think carefully about this topic as there are so many different views on asylum seekers. I also opted to look into asylum seekers because I found that they are an extremely oppressed group. I will give pros and cons on asylum seekers and try to balance out my argument. The impact and influences people in power have on the mass media is tremendous. Together with the negative media coverage, asylum seekers have been given such a bad image. International asylum law defines an asylum seeker as someone who seeks asylum in a foreign country because of war, violence or out of fear of persecution. Only after the recognition of the asylum seekers protection needs, he or she is officially referred to as an asylum seeker and enjoys asylum seeker status, which carries certain rights and obligations according the receiving country. Over the last four years there have been 138,530 asylum seekers in the UK alone. There are many claims about asylum seekers that give them this – Britain is known for asylum seekers to do what they want wherever and whenever they want; but asylum seekers are not allowed to claim welfare benefits in the UK. I found out about forty organisations working with asylum seekers and it says that 85% starve because they have no food to live on and 95% cannot afford to buy clothes or shoes and 80% are not able to maintain a good healthy life. I also found out that nine out of ten asylum seekers will pretend to be in danger to get into Britain. Over half of asylum seekers in the UK are given permission to stay here. The ideas that are often portrayed of asylum seekers are not just ones of foreigners trying to get into Britain but sometimes asylum seekers are accused of being criminals. I found out that having fled danger in their home country asylum seekers are more likely to become victims of crime in the UK .Most asylum seekers that come to Scotland think that it’s amazing, outstanding some even say paradise. This shows us the impact and difference it actually has on their life. In Afghanistan you wouldn’t be able to go a walk, go out with friends for a while like you do here; there are bombs going off, dead bodies lying around the streets and you would hardly see any of your friends and family. Most of them don’t even go to school whereas in the UK they love going to school even though most of us hate it, they love the fact that they are learning and are getting an education but a down point to going to school over here is that they would have to learn English and know it really well if not then they would find it very difficult. Some say that Scottish are the best people ever and they feel so welcomed when they come here. The list could go on. In Afghanistan they would have to have an arranged marriage where they have no say on what happens and when it happens. Whereas here in the UK they can get married whenever they want and whatever age they want they might not even get married. It would be their own choice. On the other hand people in Scotland /UK don’t think about all those horrible things that happen in Afghanistan. Some people just presume because they’re not from here or had a different coloured skin that they are terrorists. Some are even scared. And some even bully them because they are a different race or have lost a family member. We dont think of what we actually have†¦ fully educated and we can do a lot more things that they can’t do. When they come to the UK most asylum seekers would do anything for a job they think that British people are so lucky to live a as they say a normal life, but the downside to that is they take jobs away from local people which makes them more angry. Some UK citizens can’t tell the difference between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants they are discriminated against because of this. Some asylum seekers can make a positive contribution to the economy and local community by having a special talent and can help out. To summarise the discusion of asylum seekers is that there a lot of different views on them. There are so many pros and cons but I have only chosen ones I thought stand out and give good evidence. It’s really yourself that needs to decide what you think on asylum seekers, other people may think different from you but it’s you own opinion and not all asylum seekers are the same. Asylum Seekers. (2016, May 26).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Plagiarism - Essay Example Special Forces--were working through Argentine intermediaries to set up contra safe houses, training centres, and base camps along the Nicaraguan-Honduran border." (Peter Kornbluh, "Nicaragua," in Michael Klare (ed), Low Intensity Warfare (New York, 1983), 139.) In the early 1980s, the Reagan Administration made increasing use of Honduras as a base for the contra war. The Administration set up a number of military and training facilities--some American, some contra, and some housing Argentine mercenaries--along the border between Nicaragua and Honduras (Kombluh 139). The country, as one observer noted, was little more than "a [stationary] aircraft carrier," which he described as "the USS Honduras† (Lafeber 309). The strike officially began on May 29, and on June 1 the manufacturers met publicly to plan their resistance. Their strategies were carried out on two fronts. They pressured the proprietors into holding out indefinitely by refusing to send new collars and cuffs to any laundry. Also the manufacturers attempted to undermine directly the union’s efforts to weather the strike. They tried to create a negative image of the union through the press, which they virtually controlled. They prevented a few collar manufacturers in other cities from patronizing the unions’ cooperative laundry even though it claimed it could provide the same services for 25 percent less. Under these circumstances, the collar ironers’ tactics were much less useful. Two days after the strike began on May 29, the manufacturers met publicly to plan their response. They had two strategies. They pressured the owners into holding out indefinitely by declining to send new collars and cuffs to any laundry, and they tried to directly destabilize the union’s efforts to outlast the strike. They also tried to create a negative image of the union through the newspapers, which they virtually controlled. They prevented a few collar manufacturers in other cities from using the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

WORLDVIEW ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WORLDVIEW ANALYSIS - Essay Example The essential center is on issues of system and epistemology that is the routines, ideas, and hypotheses through which economists endeavor to land at learning about investment forms. Theory of mass trading is likewise concerned with the routes in which moral qualities are included in financial thinking. Budgetary thinking has suggestions for equity and human welfare; all the more essentially, financial thinking frequently. However noteworthy moral suppositions that savants of matters in profit making have thought that it was beneficial to investigate. The rationality of matters in profit making is concerned with the cement social presumptions that are made by economists. Scholars have offered thoughtfulness regarding the organizations and structures through which investment movement and change happen. The measurement of the theory of trading and lending that falls inside the rationality of science need to do with the status of financial investigation as an assemblage of exact learning. Logicians are not observational analysts, and in general they are not formal hypothesis manufacturers. There are a few parts of rationality in commercial concerns. To start with, thinkers are generally ready to inspect the coherent and balanced gimmicks of an experimental order. Second, thinkers are overall prepared to consider subjects needing to do with the ideas and speculations that economists utilize for instance, investment levelheadedness, Nash harmony, impeccable rivalry or transaction costs. Logicians can offer helpful examination of the qualities and shortcomings of such ideas and speculations in this manner helping honing economists to further refine the hypothetical establishments of their order. Till now, we have depicted the position of the thinker under worker of the economist. In originality, the line between feedback and hypothesis creation is not a sharp

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Personal Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Personal Statement - Essay Example This is considering that if I establish myself as a financial expert, business organizations will rely on me to create financial records of their transactions, financial flows, their process for wealth creation and indicate their financial position at a particular time, makes me appreciate the importance of a career in this field. This appreciation influenced me to select a career in this field as I will get to interact with other likeminded individuals and learn more on how to run the world through my practice in the financial sector. In addition to the importance of finance and accounting, the clear logic and advanced mathematics have been areas that fascinate me throughout my academic life. I enjoy not only the advanced mathematics and clear logic practiced in the economic analyses, but also the links that the field shares with social practices and interactions engaged in financial industry in the modern world. The course that cemented my interest in this field of study is Interna tional Economics and Trade, which raised in me a particular interest in macroeconomics. My desire to continue with my studies at a MBA level was further stimulated by the lectures on Financial Hot Issues. I hope to keep on building my knowledge in these areas through the courses you offer in your esteemed university. Presently, I am on my final year of studies, where I am taking International Economics and Trade at the University. This course has provided me with great understanding of the applications and principles of international economics and I believe that I am prepared to face the future complexities of the world economy. Additionally, during my undergraduate studies, I further developed an interest in accounting and finance. As I have done accounting and finance as part of my International Economics and Trade course, I find a Masters degree in these field a necessary addition to my knowledge of how business organizations handle their financial responsibilities. My desire is to learn finance not only as part of International Economics and Trade, but also as a field, that covers both international transactions and business practices within the country. MBA in financial related field will establish me as a financial and accounting expert both in international and domestic business. Therefore, I would like to increase my professional potential in Finance related field by pursuing Master studies at your University. Through the university website, I was excited to learn about the excellent Master programme that your university offers. I believe that the course structure will offer me a robust footing on the pertinent theoretical and quantitative skills to cultivate my personal capability, inventiveness, and other key skills that are sought after by future employers. These courses will give me an edge over others in the financial field since the courses and exposure that your institution offers its students have the ability to develop an expert who is compete nt in the field of practice. Besides, graduates from your institution can use the acquired knowledge and skills to handle not only the areas that one has studied, but also emergent issues in the financial sector to solve financial problems that business organization experience. Furthermore, MBA in finance from your university will afford me a valuable understanding of the western approach to economics, which is treasured by Chinese proprietors who are

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Pain Sounds Aesthetically Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Pain Sounds Aesthetically - Essay Example The Ballade starts with what sounds like several first clumsy words of a speaker. The speech’s resolute, yet there’s no audience to listen. This feeling of solitude firstly comes from a chordophone only sound: that single speaker is a piano. Secondly, those first â€Å"words† are conveyed by a low pitch. They sound full and resolute due to the loudness of dynamic and long dramatic intervals. Along with overtones that imitate echo, a feeling of no audience’s achieved. Then, phrase by phrase, â€Å"a speech† becomes more normal, logical as dynamic becomes softer, there’re already shorter intervals, and feeling of description comes from a developing accompaniment (basically, chords). Yet a general nervousness stays in this section as well as during the whole Ballade. To oppose the first melody, Chopin starts a new one in a second section (3:18) with the higher pitch (â€Å"Zimerman plays Chopin Ballade No. 1†). The second melody’s dreamy, and it’s developing brings a feeling like a compositor’s dreaming or remembering some nice times. Sound becomes generally, more relaxing due to softness in dynamic; more water-like or misty due to vanishing intervals. It seems that the composer gives listeners an opportunity to have some rest until the dynamic part begins. There’s a minimum of attacks, maximum of decays when performing the second section, but not for long. The first melody returns in the third section (4:20) bringing a feeling of screaming or at least, a loud dramatic, maybe accusing, monolog again. This feeling comes from dominant dynamic loudness, from intervals between accompaniment and the melody, and dominant attacking style of performance, until suddenly, Chopin gets lost in own images, and feelings in forth section (5:23). The feeling of a noisy mess’s achieved by a higher pitch and that now they're more sounds for each time with dominantly, a stable loudness and no interva ls.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Social and Political Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social and Political Philosophy - Essay Example Locke was amongst earliest thinkers who subject the problem of freedom to empirical analysis with the help of theory of social contract. From 1675, having clarified his socio-political ideology, he flitted between England to the continental Europe according to how well the regimes matched his ideas. The Glorious Revolution of 1688 in UK had much to further strengthen Locke’s ideology. In his political thought Locke reasoned against the inalienable, divine and hereditary right of the monarch to rule. Locke professed that the power of good governance gets invested in the ruler with surrender of right to life, liberty and property by the citizen as a rational purpose to secure his freedom. Such laws applied to communities as a whole with exception of none. If the ruler trampled upon the rights of his citizens, his forfeited the right to rule. A relationship of trust existed between man and the Government. He set forth his political agenda in the ‘The Two Treatises of Government.’ At the psychological level, he agreed with Hobbes that compatriot empiricist, that all perception occurred through the sense but stating his political ideology, but at the political level he argues against Hobbes of the right to rule is invested in the monarch through divine intervention. With Hobbes, Locke endorses the idea of ‘self-interested’ of man but disagrees with him that he is desire-driven and selfish. Man, according to him is naturally social and altruistic (Ess, n.d). Endorsing the Glorious Revolution of 1688, he argued that right to rule could be forfeited if the ruler failed to protect the rights of the citizens. Locke wrote that man was moral and equal in the state of nature and he willingly enters into ‘social contract’ of the civil society, to advance his ends of peace and security People surrender unto a government a measure of their natural rights to secure the

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Rhetorical analysis essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rhetorical analysis essay - Assignment Example These three stories are about â€Å"connecting the dots†, â€Å"love and lost† and â€Å"death†. Steve Jobs establishes his credibility, influence, and sometimes combines multiple rhetorical strategies to affect his audience to accept these enlightenments of life. To entirely understand goal of Steve Jobs in creating his argument on speech, the anticipated audience, apparent purpose and context ought to be initially analyzed. This presentation is at Stanford University as commencement. The audiences include top brains from the finest universities in the world. Steve Jobs advices and enlightens the graduates who are about to face life. In context, being an achiever, he imperceptibly uses his own life stories to convince his audience because the stories are reality. Steve Jobs’ humble beginning and the fact that he never graduated indicates that he has a lower starting point than these graduates thus confirming the reality of his stories. Steve Jobs presents his opinion and history as evidence that creates rhetorical backing in ethos. Steve Jobs, just like any other prominent speaker uses emotional anecdotes to represent their own personality and history. He begins his life story with his unwed graduate mother who puts him up for adoption and other clearly disadvantaged background as a poor child (Jobs Web). Steve Jobs, just like any other prominent speaker uses emotional anecdotes to represent their own personality and history. Presentation of his past connects well with his audience because they are able to relate his past and success. Job creates an environment that enables the audience understand that despite harsh historical encounters, it is still possible to excel. He also explains about a company he started that later grew into a big company and this reminds the grads that even them they can start off things humbly and be successful. Steve Jobs success in

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Describing resolution of a recent business conflict Coursework

Describing resolution of a recent business conflict - Coursework Example According to Spiroska (2014), conflicts always exist in organizations, and the important thing is how to resolve these conflicts for the betterment of the company. Unresolved conflicts affect various people involved. Conflict is costly as it makes workers get sick, and some even do not report to the job. In addition, avoidance of conflict lead to being fired and some opt to resign as in the case of Joe, who decided to quit after he anticipated that his boss was to fire him. Katrina (2010) suggests that such negatives in an organization lead to significant financial losses especially for businesses that are small. For example, if workers stay at home because conflict is not resolved at the workplace, the business incurs some direct costs particularly in the long term. In addition, the company might hire a temporal employee to replace the sick one, thus creating money drain for the company due to the extra pay. Projects are also affected by unresolved conflicts leading to reduced production and unsatisfied customers. Employee turnover due to conflict is also costly as it leads to vacant positions that need new employees. This attracts other costs like recruitment expenses, training expenses; severance paying, and the investment that was made in the knowledge of the previous employee (Spiroska, 2014). Various symptoms develop due unresolved conflict, and they act as the primary cost in many organizations. Some of the effects may include frustration, stress, accidents, and complaints by clients (Katrina, 2010). The cost of conflict from the case study that involved Joe led to the company losing revenue, the owner felt frustrated, and the company’s reputation was affected negatively. Furthermore, the management team was also affected by the retaliatory nature, poor attitude, and negativity of Joe, who was part of them. As a result, other managers tried all means to avoid a relationship with Joe. In the end, the owner hired an

Friday, September 6, 2019

Estimating the Demand for Money Essay Example for Free

Estimating the Demand for Money Essay We all know that money employed in consumption sustains life and gives pleasure, but it does not lead to economic growth. Money employed for investment increases productive capacity, thereby increasing wealth available for consumption investment in the future. Use of money for both consumption investment leads to employment but later reaps future benefits. The quantity theory of money posits that the value of money is equal to the collective supply of goods and services in an economy. The value of money could be called the aggregate clearing price for the aggregate supply aggregate demand in an economy. A condition in which the aggregate clearing price is below the aggregate costs of production would be symptomatic of gross misallocations of resources in an economy but this kind of condition is not theoretically impossible. Ending of wars that includes cold wars are often associated with massive reallocations of productive resources and these reallocations can involve painful periods of readjustment. â€Å"Artificial bubbles† resulting from central banker manipulation of money and interest cause boom bust misallocations. Regarded money as nothing but a means to facilitate barter, the aggregate supply of goods and services represents the wealth of society. If everyone woke up one morning to find every dollar replaced by one hundred dollars, no one would be wealthier or poorer because wages and prices had two additional zeroes. Nor would there be any change in either aggregate supply or demand. The concept of aggregate supply to represent the wealth of society can be misleading. Most homeowners would sell their house if offered an outrageously high price for it. In that sense, nearly all existing homes are part of the aggregate supply. But in the normal course of events, homeowners are slowly consuming their houses by living in them and are not considering an immediate sale although the thought of eventual re-sale is usually in their minds. Similarly, most capitalists would sell their factories if offered a high price, but are primarily focused on increasing the productivity of those factories and ensuring that the factories produce goods for which demand is high. Money works magic in the minds of many economists which transform simple relationships into complex conceptual nightmares. Say’s Law one monetary interpretation holds that the costs of production (paid for labor, land and capital goods) results in the incomes essential for purchasing output. Moving this argument further, critics of Says Law express concern that all the income will not be spent concerning that some money will be saved or even hoarded. Thinking that it is better to save the money than to spend it that result to manufacturing decline, unemployment and recession. But the confident consumer who saves and invests actually benefits the economy more than the consumer who spends. Invested capital provides the means to hire labor and other factors of production that increase employment and wealth. Vision of economic activity as a circular flow of money between spenders earners blinded him to the nature of wealth-creation, productive incentives, productivity increase and economic growth. The economic benefits of savings should not be justified on the grounds that savings is another form of spending. On the contrary, savings is the source of capital accumulation. Capital technological progress is the source of economic growth. Capital means plant, equipment, technology, research and employees to make new products. Consumers can only keep an economy from recession if they are employed in productive activity. If unemployment is low and those employed are producing useful goods services, then an economy can remain healthy. High consumer spending is more an effect than a cause of the economic well-being associated with low unemployment. Consumer confidence is expected to be high if unemployment is low. Recession is not just a national bad mood. Unemployed consumers who spend money received from government destroy consume wealth without producing wealth. Economic growth occurs only if the consumer is also a producer. In empirical method it determines the relationships between economic variables through observation or experiment. The Baumol-Tobin model provides the foundation for most empirical studies of money demand. The Capital Asset Pricing Model, while important in financial economics, is viewed to be much less important in determining money demand. Most wealth is shifted under the speculative motive from long-term to short-term securities rather than money. The prices of short-term bonds do not change as much as long-term bonds and there is a default risk with money because of the limit to federal insurance on deposits. One of the difficulties in empirical work on money demand is that money demand adjusts to changes in income and interest rates with a lag. In other words, a change in income leads to a delayed change in money demand. Money demand may be slow to change because of adjustment costs, expectations may be slow to adjust or may hold that a change in income or interest rates is in part temporary. Consequently, empirical studies of money demand look at both short-term and long-term responses to changes in macroeconomic conditions. An increase in the interest rate reduces the demand for M1 money as expected, but the effect is small. An increase in the interest rate from 4 to 5 percent (a 25 percent increase) reduces money demand in the short run by 0. 5 percent (= 0. 02 x 25%). The long run response is about a 1. 25 percent reduction in money demand. An increase in the interest rate from 10 to 11 percent produces even smaller money demand responses. There is an extensive literature on the theory of money demand and the influencing factors. In general, the real money balances are related to some scale measure, such as income or wealth, and some opportunity cost measures, such as inflation, interest and exchange rates. There are various discussions on the form of the money demand function and the selection of the variables entering in the equation. Thus the choice of economic indicators varies in different country experiences due to the distinction in different financial systems. The choice of an appropriate monetary aggregate for the estimation of a meaningful money demand function is complicated. Either a broad or a narrow definition of money can be used as the monetary variable depending on the issue of the monetary authorities. Generally it may be thought that a narrow definition of money like monetary base or M1 tends to be more flexible and reactive to market operations and thus to interest rate policies. Narrow money can have a close relationship with prices since it can easily be influenced by economic variables, however it cannot always be adequate to capture all the information related to the financial system. Although narrowly defined aggregates are easy to control, their relationship with income appears subject to considerable variability. One main cause of this insufficiency is due to banking habits of money holders, as they wish to hold their savings not only in demand deposits, but also in time deposits or other different financial instruments. For that reason, a broader definition of money, such as M2 or M2X, can comprise a wider range of the financial system; however it may be less sensitive to the changes in the economy. The scale variable measuring the level of economic activity is the first determinant of the money demand function. The holding of money and thus the demand for money are related to the volume of the transactions, using the fact that the amount of the transactions is proportional to the level of income. Either a wealth variable or an income variable can be used as a scale variable. Generally, when wealth data is not available, an income variable like the Gross National Product or Gross Domestic Product can be taken into consideration. Money demand is directly proportional to income, but inversely related to market interest rates and yields on different financial assets. The interest rate concerning time deposits is thought to be the nominal return of holding money if the broad definition of money is considered, hence has a positive sign in the money demand equation. Another important variable which measures the rate of return of an opportunity cost is the interest rate on government securities. As currency substitution can occur either by switching into foreign denominated deposits or by switching to bonds or securities, the rate of interest on government securities is a measure of the rate of return of an opportunity cost, and its expected sign in the equation is therefore negative. The relationship between inflation and the demand for money has been studied widely. If there are high fluctuations in prices, the rate of inflation becomes an important determinant of the money demand function. Money demand is inversely related to predictable inflation rate since an increase in inflation increases the cost of holding money. Especially, in developing countries, the long run inflation elasticity is generally expected to be high as the range of financial instruments outside money is limited and real assets represent a substantial part of the public’s portfolio (Nachega, 2001). Like in Turkish economy that is subject to not only a high degree of price level but also a high variability in the prices, the price level has a considerable impact on the return of financial assets; as money holders will have difficulties in predicting the prices, the risk in saving money will raise and consequently the holding of money will tend to decrease. Since foreign exchange rate measures the rate of return on holding foreign currency, it is also an important determinant in the demand equation on holding foreign currency. The sign of exchange rate is negative since when the deposit holders increase their demand for foreign currencies, the domestic currency will depreciate. In an open economy, the return of foreign assets is usually denoted by some exchange rate variable, which may have an increasing role due to the high level of financial globalization. (Central Bank Review, 2002 pp. 55-65). Boughton (1992) presents the sources of disturbances that can affect the elasticities of variables in the long run equation. Inflation expectations varying over time is the first important factor that may affect real return of assets which is a vital element of the money demand equation. An inflationary expectation is generally proxied by the inflation rate, thus it is essential to examine the inflation data before inserting in the money demand equation. The change in exchange rate is the second important source of variability. Therefore the relationship between the exchange rate mechanism and the dynamics of real money balances is important, justifying the addition of the real effective exchange rate into the model.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Bariatric Surgery: Types and Applications

Bariatric Surgery: Types and Applications The rise of bariatric surgery is partly due to the epidemic of obesity in the United States. Because of this epidemic, the number of bariatric surgeries in 2003 was near 103,000. This number was up from 16,000 in 1992. Americans have increased in extreme obesity. Lack of exercise, failure of diets, the desire to want everything right now, has fueled the explosion of the medical procedure. There are so many obese people who are faced with weight induced disease and health complications such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, high LDL cholesterol, stroke, hypertension, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis (degeneration of cartilage and bone of joints), sleep apnea and other breathing problems. Those with these weight induced diseases have found that bariatric surgery can make many of these issues dissipate. Medical professionals are now even considering reducing the weight guidelines for bariatric surgery for people with these medical issues. Although the surgery has given a new lease on life to many, it is imperative that we remember that the procedure is a surgery. Basically, bariatrics is a field of medicine take specializes in treating obesity. When a patient undergoes bariatric surgery, they undergo a type of operation that should help promote weight loss. At this time, only those who suffer from severe obesity qualify for bariatric surgery. The results that are desired from bariatric surgery is to produce weight loss in the patient by restricting food intake by through a surgical process. There are currently four kinds of operations that are offered in the United States at this time. The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch (BPD-DS), vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) and adjustable gastric band (AGB) are all types of bariatric surgeries. Each type of surgery has risks and benefits. Each patient must decide with their doctor which option will work better for them. Generally food will move along the digestive tract as enzymes and juices absorb nutrients along with calories. The stomach can hold aro und three pints of food at a time. After leaving the stomach, digestion speeds up. Food moves from the duodenum, to the rest of the 20 foot long small intestine. The food that has not been digested once the food reaches the large intestine is stored there until elimination. Bariatric surgery makes some type of change to this process, in order to promote weight loss. Jejunoileal Bypass was the first operation created just to cause a patient to lose weight. This surgery was first performed at the University of Minnesota in the 1950s. Physicians no longer recommend a Jejunoileal Bypass as a bariatric surgical procedure. The risk that come with global, permanent and severe malabsorption was thought to be too be to dangerous to the patient. This procedure must also be followed by vital, long term follow ups to be successful. Many patients had to have this procedure reversed in order to live. In this surgery, called JIB for short, the stomach is left intact. The bypass induces a state of malabsorption because it bypasses most of the intestines. This procedure may have given excellent weight loss to patients but many suffered from complications like vitamin A D deficiencies, protein calorie malnutrition, kidney stones and diarrhea. One major complication was the toxic overgrowth of intestinal bacteria. This caused problems like skin trouble, arthritis, flu-like symptoms and even liver failure. Thankfully, the jejunoileal bypass is no longer performed due to its life threatening metabolic consequences. Gastric Bypass was also developed in the late 1960s by Drs. Ito and Mason. It was developed from the observation of weight loss from patients that had undergone surgery for ulcers. In these surgeries, part of the patients stomach had to be removed. At first, surgeons performed the surgery with a loop bypass. It was soon recognized that this caused bile reflux. Physicians started performing the operation in 1977, with a piece of intestine that is now joined to a very small stomach. This is to keep bile from getting to the upper stomach and esophagus. This procedure is now called Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure or RYGBP. It is a mixed restrictive and malabsorptive procedure. The amount of intestine that is bypassed in this particular procedure is not enough to cause malabsorption of nutrients and proteins but the portion of intestine that is bypassed is the site where most of the absorption of iron and calcium should take place. Because of this, the most common long term complicatio n of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure is anemia and osteoporosis. Patients who undergo this procedure should prepare for using a mineral supplement long term. The way in which the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure works is multifaceted. It is thought that many of the behavioral changes patients feel after surgery has to do with hormone alterations and neural signals that are produced in the GI tract. Many patients feel a reduction in hunger and after they eat, feel full sooner. Many no longer suffer from bad food cravings and take a liking to healthy foods. Then there is a syndrome called dumping which is a sensitivity to sugar, that most patients experience. This may include palpitations, diarrhea, and other symptoms. These results happen within ten to thirty minutes of eating foods that consist of high amounts of sugar. In 1994, the Roux-Y gastric bypass was performed as a laparoscopic procedure and has quickly enhanced the surgery. Most patients lose less blood, have shortened hospital stays and less down time when they undergo the laparoscopic procedure, although the operation in more challenging and takes longer than the open procedure. The most common weight loss surgery is now the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Procedure. Most patients say that they have an increase in their quality of life. It has been proven to result in a durable weight loss and improvement in obesity related comorbidities. Illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol, liver disease, high blood pressure and many more have been proven to be control, improved or even cured. There is a procedure that uses gastric rings to control the size of the stoma in vertical banded gastroplasty. It is called the Ring Gastric Bypass. Surgeons use these rings to maintain the size of stoma and reduce stretching. This procedure has become a rational operation that is used to control obesity. With the ring functioning as the stoma, postprandial emesis is limited. The patient has the opportunity to eat various foods like meats and vegetables without problems. This surgery results in much more weight loss than in standard gastroplasty. Some complications of ring gastric bypass are marginal ulcers, stenosis, incisional hernia and staple line breakdown. In the surgery, biliopancreatic diversion, there is a change in normal digestion by making the stomach smaller and bypassing part of the small intestine, so that you take in less calories. There is a biliopancreatic diversion with or without a duodenal switch. In the biliopancreatic diversion surgery without the duodenal switch, some of the stomach is cut away. The remaining part of the stomach is then connected to the bottom part of the intestine. When surgeons do the duodenal switch, only a little part of the stomach is taken away. The rest of the stomach stays attached to the duodenum and then the duodenum is attached to the lower part of the small intestine. It is thought that this process would help to prevent ulcers. Because the duodenum is more tolerant of the acids from the stomach it is much more resistant to ulceration. Cutting away part of the stomach should help reduce the presence of acid. This surgery increases the amount of gastric restriction, helps the patient get th e right amount of protein, and decreases the dumping syndrome. Dumping is associated with this surgery as well, although it occurs less often with biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. Introduced in 1978, Gastric Banding is a purely restrictive bariatric procedure. Dr. Wilkinson developed a nonadjustable gastric banding to go around the upper part of the stomach. Ultimately, the dilatation of the pouch resulted in unsatisfactory weight loss. Dr. Molina, retried the gastric segmentation procedure in 1980. The stomach pouch was made smaller than in Dr. Wilkinsons procedure and a Dacron vascular graft was used to go around the upper stomach. This was eventually replaced because the graft adhered to the liver. Dr. Kusmak in 1983, used a band of silicone to go around the stomach to create a smaller stoma and smaller gastric pouch. In order to make the band adjustable this band was modified later. In 1986, Kuzmak created a silicone and with an inflatable balloon. The device was attached to a reservoir that is beaneath the skin, so that medical practitioners could adjust the band. When the balloon gets blown up, the band gets tighter and reduces weight. When the opposite happens to the balloon, the band gets loose and weight loss is reduced. This device can also be inserted laparascopically. At this time there are many types of adjustable bands available in the United States, none have been seen to be better than the other. In an adjustable band procedure, an intestinal bypass is not a part. Weight loss from restriction of food intake is how this procedure works. The impact on co-morbidities and rapid weight loss is less favorable when compared to the gastric bypass. There are groups who have had to undergo re-operation for long term complications. Some of the complications from this procedure are perforation, band erosion, hernia, band slippage, and a need for a revision. In the early 1970s gastroplasty was designed as a safer alternative to the RYGBP and the JIB. The first purely restrictive operation to treat obesity was made possible by mechanical staples. Riginally gastroplasty was done hotizontal and involved stapling the stomach into a small part by only leaving a small opening for food to pass between the upper to the lower stomach pouchs. This had very poor results for long term weight loss and was stopped. The vertical banded gastroplasty was then introduced. In this procedure there is a low mortality and deficiencies of micronutrients is virtually an abscent. Because of long term studies, VBG is being performed less often. Research shows that cases of weight regain and severe heartburn are high when compared to other procedures. There are many new, up and coming bariatric surgeries and trends in development stages. In 1996, Gastric pacing was first introduced in humans but is still considered experimental. It is an attempt to provide durable and significant weight loss that is non-malabsorptive and nonrestrictive. The mechanisim disrupts normal gastric myoelectrical activity, called an IGS, implantable gastric stimulator. Pulses are used to disrupt eating, causing you to feel full earlier. There have been setbacks with gastric pacing because of mechanical problems with the electrical leads. Clinical trials for this procedure are ongoing. The EndoBarrier Gastrointestinal Liner, also known as the endoluminal sleeve, is now in the late-stage clinical trials. It is thought that patients may get the benefits of surgery with a simple sleeve, incredible. Data shows that obese individuals achieved almost normal blood sugar levels in a week with uncontrolled diabetes using the endoluminal sleeve liner. As more benefits of bariatric surgery come to light, there has been a push to offer it to more people with lower body mass indexes. As diabetes continues to increase, more people will turn to bariatric surgery for its curative powers. Also we will see an increase in programs for obese teens as studies are showing that surgery quickly improves heart health for them. Less invasive bariatric procedures are currently being developed. There is a procedure being developed called Transoral gastroplasty. In this procedure, surgeons hope to change the stomach anatomy without any cuts, so that after a small meal, patients will have a feeling of fullness. As the waistline of Americans continues to get larger, bariatric surgery will continue to increase and flourish. With increased knowledge and research, obesity has started to be seen as a molecular disease that has potential molecular explanations. As study continues, bariatric surgery will continue to advance. There may be a time when people will finally be able to avoid this intriguing and dangerous disease called obesity. Does Society Create Monsters? Analysis of Frankenstein Does Society Create Monsters? Analysis of Frankenstein Does Society create monsters or are we born that way? Society is the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community. Does society create monsters or are they formed when someone is born? People in the world love to fit in and do everything one can do to be perfect. Children grow up watching elders and people in the world doing things whether it is good or bad. When people watch someone do something and that person gets attention for it, everyone runs to do that certain thing or wear that certain outfit or talk that certain way because people love attention and now days people are willing to do anything for it. The monster showed significant signs to prove he tried to be good, by trying to help people. The story Frankenstein by Mary Shelly is a story about tragic events that happen because a creature is in need of love and attention, only because the monster sees people giving others love and attention. Victor Frankenstein creates a monster without knowing that there would be negative sides effects to this powerful creation. Not knowing everyone Frankenstein loved would die because of him not making the right choice. The monster never understood what it was like to be treated normal, the only person who even treated him nicely was an old blind man who had no idea what he looked like until his children came home and told him. So should one believe that he was born a monster or did society make him this way? The story A Modest Proposal shows that society can create monsters. The towns people had many problems; the biggest one of all was the children. Many people couldnt afford to have them causing people to lose money and then being forced to live on the streets. Finding a solution to this problem was very difficult but one guy did come up with one and many took it seriously. Many people thought that eating the children and infants would lower the population rate and less people would be forced to live on the streets, because they would have less people/children to fend for.   These mothers, instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg for sustenance for their helpless infants, who, as they grow up, either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country to fight for the Pretender in Spain, or sell themselves to the Barbados. (Jonathon Swift) The quote above shows how desperate the mothers and p eople were because of the children. There is an honest question though; if one person had not come up with this idea would anybody else have thought about it? Is society to blame? Although Frankensteins monster made many mistakes and did kill several people because he wanted Frankenstein to be as unhappy as he was, does not mean that he did not have a good heart.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner the man sailing on the boat shoots the albatross for no reason but because he wanted to. God save thee, ancient mariner! From the fiends, that plague thee thus! Why lookst thou so? With my crossbow I shot the albatross. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge) The mariner had no reason to shoot it, but because he thought it would be cool and a good idea, to please society. In all truths nobody really agreed with shooting the albatross and everyone got punished for this mistake that could have been prevented. Frankenstein was born and raised with parents who loved and supported him. Yes these people helped raise him and helped him become who he was but nobody forced him to be good or bad. A person could be born good or bad but society does have a big impact and helps one become who they will be for the rest of their life. The innocent and helpless creature bestowed on them by heaven, whom to bring up to good, and whose future lot it was in their hands to direct to happiness or misery, according as they fulfilled their duties towards me. (Mary Shelley) So the question still remains, does society create monsters or are the born that way? With the evidence above could only make one feel that the monster tried to be as good as possible but with the events happening he couldnt truly be happy and every time he tried to find happiness something bad ended up happening. The monster wasnt treated the way he should have been, if society would have treated him better would the monster have hurt all the people he did? Citation Page Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein, Penguin Group, 1963 Swift, Jonathon., A Modest Proposal, Beverly Chin et, al publisher, Glencoe McCraw Hill 518-524 Coleridge, Samuel., Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Beverly Chin et, al publisher, Glencoe McCraw Hill 715-735