Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ethics †Morality Essay

1. Definition of Ethics It studies how man ought to behave. Ethics is a thoughtful review of how to act in the best interest of patients and their family. It is also about making good choices based on beliefs and values regarding life, health, suffering and death. Relationship of Ethics in other branches of science: * Ethics and Logic- Studies the correct and organized thinking of a man. Focused foremost on demands of materials, nonhuman world, or world of â€Å"things† in one’s environment it is people-oriented * Ethics and Psychology- Both deals with the study of man and his behavior. Studies how man ought to behave. Concerned with man’s moral obligation or the result of his behavior. It studies the human behavior from the perspective of morality. * Ethics and Sociology- Sociology deals with the study of social order and human relations in a society. Sociology is related to Ethics because Ethics deals with the study of moral orders in a society. Importance of Ethics: Ethics form the base ground of values, which differ from one culture to another. Ethics was applied in health care system, since ancient Egyptian times. A physician has moral obligations towards his patient based on physician – patient’s relationship. The ethical principle of confidentiality confirms that patient can trust his health care provider not to disclose any information that the patient may have given in order to get cured. A current ethical issue in research involving human participant’s informed consent has prime importance. The subject and his guardian must have the capacity to understand the issue in question and the possible risks of treatment in the trial study. We need to do more to ensure that medical research practices are sound and ethical, and the goals of research should be secondary to the well being of the participants. The study of ethics and the study and practice of healthcare have not merged much in the past, but nevertheless ethical standards are essential to the practice of the health professions. Each professional discipline has its own code of conduct, guidelines for practice and philosophy of care to direct practice within its professional remit. There have been several international declarations of human rights within healthcare to protect patients from unethical practices that might nevertheless be portrayed to them as necessary evils in the course of scientific research and utilitarian principles – that is, the greater good. Despite the relative lack of moral philosophy and healthcare ethics in the curricula of healthcare professionals, it does not take long for anyone in clinical practice to face their first ethical dilemma about which they are called upon to make a judgment or have a view. In any healthcare system, whether organized and managed by the state or government or by the independent sector (private or non-governmental/voluntary) – or any mixture of these – moral issues will frequently be raised and should challenge the practitioner, teacher, manager or researcher. Establishing moral codes of practice between the various organizations mentioned above is important at the outset of any professional relationship or client encounter. For the practitioner the appropriate use of professional power, compared with the relative vulnerability of the lay client/patient during the first meeting, establishes the relationship for all future transactions between the two parties. In the context of progressive illness there are many occasions that will challenge this relationship as the illness trajectory takes its course. 2. Basic concepts in Ethics. Definition of Human Acts Human Acts (Actus Humani) refer to â€Å"actions that proceed from insight into the nature and purpose of one’s doing and from consent of free will†. Specifically, human acts are those actions done by a person in certain situations, which are essentially the result of his conscious knowledge, freedom and voluntariness, or consent. Hence, man performs these actions knowingly, freely, and voluntarily. Aspects of Human Acts * The Act Itself or the Object Of The Act. The act itself refers to the action that is done or performed by an agent, or simply, what the person does. This is the â€Å"substance of a moral act†, and here regarded as the basic factor of morality. More concretely, the object of the act is â€Å"that act effect which an action primarily and directly causes (finis operis). It is always necessary that the result of the act, independent of any circumstances or of the intention of the agent. † * The Motive or the Intention. The motive is the purpose that for the sake of which something is done. It is the reason behind our acting. It answers the question â€Å"why the person does what he does? †. Man normally performs an act as a means to achieve an end or goal, different from an act itself. And since the motive or intention is practically present in all human acts, it then becomes an important and integral part of morality. * The Circumstances. It refers to the various conditions outside of the act. They are not part and parcel of the act itself. Circumstances are conditions that influence, to a lesser or greater degree, the moral quality of the human act. The moral goodness or badness of an act is determined not only by the object or act itself, plus the motive or intention of the moral agent, but also on the circumstances or situation surrounding the performance of the action. Classification of Human Acts * Elicited Acts. These are actions performed by the will. (Wish, Intention, Consent, Election, Use) * Commanded acts. These are those acts done by man’s mental or bodily powers under the command of the will. (External and Internal Actions) Constituents of Human Acts * Knowledge. A human act as a deliberate act is a KNOWING ACT. No human act is possible without knowledge. * Freedom. The CAPACITY or POWER to choose between two or more courses of actions WITHOUT being forced to take one or the other by anything except our own will. * Voluntariness. A human act is a WILL- ACT. A voluntary act is different from what is merely WILLED and cannot be controlled by the will, as good or bad. Modifiers of Human Acts * Ignorance. It is the absence of necessary knowledge, which a person in a given situation, who is performing a certain act, ought to have. Ignorance therefore is a negation of knowledge. It can be classified as Vincible or Invincible Ignorance. * Passion or Concupiscence. It is here understood as a strong or powerful feeling or emotion. It refers more specifically to those bodily appetites or tendencies as experienced and expressed in such feelings as fear, love, hatred, despair, horror, sadness, anger, grief and the like. Passions are either classified as Antecedent or Consequent. * Fear. It is defined as the disturbance of the mind of a person who is confronted by an impending danger or harm to himself or loved ones. Fear may be considered a passion, which arises as an impulsive movement of avoidance of a threatening evil, ordinarily accompanied by bodily services. * Violence. It is generally referred to any physical force exerted on a person by another free agent for the purpose of compelling the said person to act against his will. * Habit. It is a constant and easy way of doing things acquired by the repetition of the same act. Habit is a lasting readiness and facility, born of frequently repeated acts, for acting in certain manner. Definition of Morality Ethics and morality are two words, which are oftentimes used interchangeably, not just in ordinary discourse and in popular media but also in academic discussions. Etymologically, the word â€Å"ethics† is derived from the Greek word â€Å"ethos†, which can be roughly translated in English as custom or a particular way and manner of acting and behaving. The Latin equivalent for custom is â€Å"mos† or â€Å"mores†. It is from this root word that the term â€Å"moral† or â€Å"morality† is derived. The two terms, ethics and morality, in this sense, therefore, have literally the same meaning. That is why ethics is usually taken synonymous with morality. Also because of this, ethics is also called morality, or more precisely, the other name of ethics is morality. Norms of Morality The general way in which a given society or group operates is largely determined by societal norms of morality. These norms are composed of the rules by which people are supposed to operate within that society, and these rules can be explicit or implicit. According to the definition of societal norms of morality, they are subject to change from society to society and age to age. If a particular social norm becomes unpopular, it ceases to be a social norm. There are, of course, some societal norms that are viewed with differing perspectives even within a society. Because of this, any given society can be broken down into further subgroups that share a more common set of societal norms. This process can, in theory, continue all the way to the individual level, at which point it ceases due to the obvious need for more than one person to constitute a group. Understanding and adhering to social norms begins at birth, and most of these social norms are so ingrained within an individual that it is difficult to see that they exist. Formal social norms are quite easy to spot, of course, because they are recorded in some way and require a specific punishment if they are not followed. Informal social norms make up the vast majority of social norms, however, and are much easier to miss. They take the form of folkways, which are rather informal norms that are ordinarily followed, but do not carry great consequences when broken, and mores, which are also informal, but carry great consequences when broken. The development of social norms is inevitable, and the pressure to conform to them is great. There are occasions upon which the larger group conforms to the norms of the individual or a small group, but it is far more likely that the individual or small group will conform to the norms of those in the majority. It is important to be aware of social norms so that the actions an individual can determine which social norms are worthy of challenging and which serve a useful purpose. Many of these social norms will not ever be noticed because they are a core part of each person, but it is still useful to reflect upon those which can be noticed. Determinants of Morality The factors in human conduct that determine whether it is good or bad. There are three such determinants of morality, namely the object, the end, and the circumstances. By object is meant what the free will chooses to do–in thought, word, or deed-or chooses not to do. Be end is meant the purpose for which the act is willed, which may be the act itself (as one of loving God) or some other purpose for which a person acts (as reading to learn). In either case, the end is the motive or the reason why an action is performed. By circumstances are meant all the elements that surround a human action and affect its morality without belonging to its essence. A convenient listing of these circumstances is to ask: who? Where? How? How much? By what means? How often? Some circumstances so affect the morality of an action as to change its species, as stealing a consecrated object becomes sacrilege and lying under oath is perjury. Other circumstances change the degree of goodness or badness of an act. In bad acts they are called aggravating circumstances, as the amount of money a person steals. To be morally good, a human act must agree with the norm of morality on all three counts: in its nature, its motive, and its circumstances. Departure from any of these makes the action morally wrong. Definition of Rights. Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory. Rights are of essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology. Rights are often considered fundamental to civilization, being regarded as established pillars of society and culture and the history of social conflicts can be found in the history of each right and its development. According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, â€Å"rights structure the form of governments, the content of laws, and the shape of morality as it is currently perceived. † The connection between rights and struggle cannot be overstated — rights are not as much granted or endowed as they are fought for and claimed, and the essence of struggles past and ancient are encoded in the spirit of current concepts of rights and their modern formulations. Definition of Duties. A duty to use care toward others that would be exercised by an ordinarily reasonable and prudent person in order to protect them from unnecessary risk of harm in a typical medical malpractice lawsuit, the plaintiff has the burden of proof to show that the physician had a legal duty of care to the patient, that the physician breached that duty, and that the breach caused injury to the plaintiff. Divisions of Duties An appropriate division of duties is the first basic principle of internal control. Remember, the basic point is that no single person should handle a transaction from beginning to end. The primary reason is to prevent an individual from having enough control over a transaction to where errors and/or irregularities can occur and go undetected for extended periods of time. An appropriate division of duties should also produce warning signals when errors and /or irregularities do occur. It is important to keep in mind that a good division of duties does not guarantee that things will operate, as they should. This is because two or more people can be involved in wrongdoing (i. e. collusion). Unannounced rotation of job duties and surprise audits can help reduce the chances of collusion. 3. Disablement Terminologies Disability * Inability to function normally, physically or mentally; incapacity. * Inability to pursue an occupation because of physical or mental impairment * The term â€Å"disability† summarizes a great number of different functional limitations occurring in any population in any country, of the world. People may be disabled by physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, medical conditions or mental illness. Such impairments, conditions or illnesses may be permanent or transitory in nature. Functional Limitation * Any health problem that prevents a person from completing a range of tasks, whether simple or complex. Handicap * A disadvantage for the given individual resulting from impairment or a disability that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a task that is normal in that individual. * A disadvantage that makes achievement unusually difficult. * The term â€Å"handicap† means the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in the life of the community on an equal level with others. It describes the encounter between the person with a disability and the environment. The purpose of this term is to emphasize the focus on the shortcomings in the environment and in many organized activities in society, for example, information, communication and education, which prevent persons with disabilities from participating on equal terms. Impairment (Indirect and Composite) * To cause to diminish, as in strength, value, or quality: an injury that impaired my hearing a severe storm impairing communications. * Any abnormality of, partial or complete loss of, or loss of the function of, a body part, organ, or system. * An injury, illness, or congenital condition that causes or is likely to cause a loss or difference of physiological or psychological function.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Bureaucracy and self-government Essay

When a government creates policies, regulations, laws and guidelines, it rigorously and astutely applies them through what is called an act and service of public administration. Public administration is then implemented within an organizational structure. The bureaucracy that this structure operates illustrate the various operatives and/or personnel and/or leaders that makes the decision and leads the methodologies, tactics and strategies to implement the said policies, regulations, laws and guidelines. The bureaucracy is likewise responsible in ensuring the efficient and effective ways and means for such act and service. In executing its mandate, public administration must be dynamic. It must have a natural course of evolution and appropriate change and improvements that responds to the multifarious and complex demands of public service; constituent needs and demands and expectations. â€Å"Bureaucracy and Self-Government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is a book that gives enlightenment and on how concepts of public administration renders its appropriate service to the American people. The Book’s Insights Bureaucracy in its principle is the rational and academic structure of the organizational process in rendering service and implementing policies and procedures of any institution – like the government. The positive principle of bureaucracy has however evolved into a negative context in the modern time wherein red tape and other forms of inadequacies. It is because the bureaucracy in rendering public administration operates within two types of concepts. It is therefore very important and interesting that Dr. Cook laid out in his book that public administration in American politics is operated both within the instrumental concept and in the constitutive concept. The instrumental concept believes that the job of bureaucracy in public administration is to execute the instructions of public officials. Within the simplicity of this concept there lies the insufficiency of complete rendering of public service. That is the reason why Dr. Cook has outlined that the past two centuries of America is a struggle to create life and meaning and expectations of the instrumental concept of public administration and service. The constitutive concept believes that the job of bureaucracy in public administration is to shape and characterize public policy and political community. This concept allows formative methods that bring shape and structure to laws and policies of government. Creativity and dynamic insights and foresights of government officials and public administrators are exercised in using this concept. The concluding insight of Dr. Cook in â€Å"Bureaucracy and Self-Government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  outlines principles of responsible public administration. Firstly, with proper responsibility in governing and administering comes along an unlimited ability. A complete and consummate commitment to adherence to the law must be characterized in the proponents of public administration. Government leaders and officials must take the rule of law as their way of life. Secondly, within the rule of law â€Å"an adequate sphere of constitutionally legitimate independence must be carved†. (Cook, 1996, page 177). This principle is coherent with what government administrators have sworn to in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. It is important that discretion of the law is carried out with integrity. The Book’s Presentation The book is presented in a very scholarly format. He extensive experience of Dr. Brian J. Cook in the study of politics and public administration render authority on the subject matter. The book is seemingly passionate in pursuing ways and means for public administration to still attain its ideals. The book traced well established historical background that served the impetus on how American government administration and management has evolved – thus providing the foundation of the conduct and manner of public administration of modern day. Whatever the course of history and evolution American politics and public administration may have tracked and traced, the book offers confidence and hope that the better of valor shall surface in public administration in America. The Book’s Author Dr. Brian J. Cook is presently a Professor in the Center for Public Administration and Policy in the School of Public and International Affairs of Virginia Tech. He earned his BA degree in Political Science in 1977 from Cleveland State University with magna cum laude honors. His further education in government and politics earned him is masters in 1982 and doctorate in 1984 – both from the University of Maryland. He has taught; lectured and done research on politics and government since 1979. Dr. Cook has been endowed with numerous foundation and university grants and government sponsored research. He has written and published three books: â€Å"Bureaucratic Politics and Regulatory Reform: The EPA and Emissions Trading† (1988); â€Å"Bureaucracy and Self-Government: Reconsidering the Role of Public Administration in American Politics† (1996) and â€Å"Democracy and Administration: Woodrow Wilson’s Ideas and the Challenges of Public Management† (2007). In addition he has written and published numerous book chapters; peer reviewed and non-reviewed articles; book reviews; conference papers and reports covering a very wide array of thoughts, principles and theories in American politics, government, administration policies. (Brian J. Cook Curriculum Vitae, 2008, pages 1-2) Works Cited: Cook, Brian J. Bureaucracy and Self-Government: Reconsidering the Role of Public Administration in American Politics John Hopkins University Press, 1996 Brian J. Cook Curriculum Vitae, September 2008 http://www. cpap. vt. edu/doc/BJC_Curriculum_Vitae_09-08. pdf [accessed 2 June 2009]

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A man of great and diverse gifts

A man of great and diverse gifts Essay We learn that Anne is dead and in Act 4 Scene 4 we see Richard asking Elizabeth for help in wooing her daughter. After a long confrontation. Elizabeth appears to agree with the plan. However, it is here we see the beginning of his loss of control over people. ELIZABETH: Shall I go win my daughter to thy will? RICHARD: And be happy mother by thy deed. ELIZABETH: I go. Write to me very shortly, And you shall understand from me her mind. RICHARD: Bear her my true loves kiss, and so farewell Exit Q Relenting fool and shallow, changing women Here we see that Elizabeth has lulled Richard into thinking that she fully intends her daughter to be wed. We see this by Richards last exclamation that he thinks he has manipulated her, whereas the truth is that Elizabeth has manipulated him into thinking he is to be married, when, secretly, Elizabeth has no intention for her daughter to be married to Richard. This is the start of Richards downfall until he is finally killed by Richmond in the battle of Bosworth in Act 5 Scene 5. However, before his death we see his battle with his conscience and is victimised by it because of all the deaths he has caused. The repetition of the phrase despair and die predicts the death of Richard, whilst the ghosts promote Richmonds succession as king. As Richard III was written as propaganda for the Tudor dynasty, it is probable that Richards character was overemphasized and his deformity exaggerated to increase the superiority of their reign. Examples of Shakespeares magnification of Richards deformity include the animalistic metaphors such as: boar bunch backed toad and tiger used to describe him. These are used to turn the audience against Richard, as they get more potent as we follow him through the play. Throughout the play Richard shows many characteristics that would make people believe he is either a bloody tyrant and a homicide or a man of great and diverse gifts. However, from the events that have been studied I have concluded that he is both. Richard is clearly a bloody tyrant and a homicide, like many other major historical figures such as Hitler or Stalin, he had a plan for complete power. Although, to achieve this there must be no opposition. Much like in Stalins Great Terror where he killed anybody who he thought could pose a threat, Richard killed anybody who would challenge his accession to the throne. Although, a tyrant this was unusual for the times, both Richards predecessors and successors were tyrannical rulers. However, for Richard to do this involved planning and care. Richard used his gifts of crafty rhetoric and manipulation. Richard is able to encourage confidence in others around him, without letting them know they are destined for death at his hands. We must also sympathise with Richard in the play because we know Richard III was written as Tudor propaganda and so his deformity and character would have been hugely overemphasized to make the Tudors rule seem superior. In conclusion, Richard is both a bloody tyrant and a homicide and a man of great and diverse gifts. Without these gifts he would never have been able to gain access to the throne because he would have been stopped before he had a chance. With his gifts he was able to create a smoke screen, with which he was able cover his tracks until he was able to reach the throne.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Civil war and the abolition of slavery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Civil war and the abolition of slavery - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that from 1565-1568, Spanish conquerors established a settlement in Florida wherein 500 slaves were introduced. After that, a flock of African slaves was brought by Dutch explorers in Jamestown, Virginia in the form of â€Å"indentured servitude,† and this group was the first permanent forced and involuntary servants in the New World. Northerners had a different view towards slavery because first and foremost, the North was an industrial territory while the South had a vast acre of agricultural plantations. Therefore, the Southerners took advantage of the presence of African slaves because of their massive labor force while the Northerners felt threatened that these slaves would soon take away their industrial jobs away from them since they worked for free. Both the abolition and pro-slavery sentiments were growing during the late 17th century. The abolition of slavery sentiment was fought by the Northerners, and later on, was grante d in 1804. Moreover, the federal government also encouraged the Southerners to end up slavery in order to achieve a balance between slave states and Free states. There was already the establishment of political balance in the United States, but the proposition of Democratic senator Stephen Douglas to allow territories between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains to choose whether or not to give permission to slavery. According to Arnold, this event led to the Civil War because it destroyed the said balance.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Value Diversity in Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Value Diversity in Workplace - Essay Example Every company needs to have a solid legal framework behind its diversity policies. According to Tyre, (2007) " while there is no specific law governing 'diversity' per se, the framework for diversity is shaped by judicial interpretations of actions taken to affect diversity that violate equal opportunity or constitutional rights" (n.p.) A good diversity program should not be subject to any quotas or any inherent rigidity ; in actuality it should be flexible and permeable. Setting aside a quota would merely perpetuate the notion of the 'minority', and would merely pave the path to more discrimination. Aside from that, it would serve companies significantly if it hire people based on the entirety of their qualifications, and not just utilizing race as the primary mitigating factor. The essential challenge facing employers is to create a working environment where people working at all levels are ingrained with the company's drive and vision, and they are continually recognized for their efforts. Executing this platform effectively would ensure a synergistic approach towards innovation, growth, and success. Culled from my own personal experience, I have borne witness to several situations where workforce diversity could have been a mitigating factor if only properly executed and rendered. One particular incident which particularly stands out was during my stint as a sales representative for one of the nation's leading real estate firms. The company specialized in developing properties in the Mayaguez and Aguada areas. The primary duty assigned to me was to handle its premium line of exclusive oceanfront homes, which appeal to a very high-end niche market. A good part of the company's prospective clientele is comprised of wealthy foreigners looking for a good vacation home in the country. My experience had me dealing with a rich politician hailing from the Dominican Republic. He had some close ties in the Aguada area, and was planning on buying a vacation home with his new wife. I was tasked to handle his account, and he was very keen on purchasing one of our featured properties, which was an oceanfront, three- level home worth $535,000. If the deal would fall through it would have been my biggest sale at the time, and would have greatly augmented the company's flagging fortunes. This happened at a time when the housing market was really plummeting, and real estate companies were fighting tooth and nail for every sale that they could get their hands on. The effects of the subprime mortgage crisis were far-reaching, and a sale of this magnitude would have certainly helped my company a great big deal. I had personally accompanied the couple to the site, and they were highly impressed with the oceanfront property. They were displaying a high level of interest, and I was almost certain that this was a sure sale. I could almost feel that my fat commission was on the way. The main issue emanated from what at first seemed like an almost trivial matter. On the way back from our viewing trip, the client had learned that the driver of the company car that we were using also hailed from the Dominican Republic. They engaged in light banter, and I thought that was a pleasant coincidence. My complacency soon was shaken, as

Monday, August 26, 2019

Distribution of Wealth in the Jian and Hindu Religions Research Paper

Distribution of Wealth in the Jian and Hindu Religions - Research Paper Example Different religions have their own set of principles, ethics, and consecrated histories that defines and elucidate how the life and universe came into existence and the significance of life for an individual. Many of the religions and their belief systems have gained the acceptance by the universe, but it cannot come under consideration for the innumerable religions that exist in the world today. Many of the religions have defined themselves in sacerdotal hierarchies; have set structured behaviors for their members, where one should devote himself in the practices of the religion and should honor and give respect for their prayers and the immaculate places. Sermons, festivals, funeral ceremonies, meditation, wedding rituals, cultural characteristics like art, dance, and music are all components that make up a religion. Different cultures follow different values as some religions give more importance to their faiths and beliefs while others highlight the aspect of practice, thus the phenomenon of religion has taken various embodiments. Religions even focus and give high importance to the experiences and the actions of the spiritual leaders along with the incidents that occurred in their times. It has been an observation that a religion also plays a great deal of importance and comes under alliance with government, constitutional and legislative rankings. Although today, the wo rld is living in technological and scientific era, still, religion plays a significant and imperative part in one’s life as it has attained the focus of an individual due to the reason that it revolves around human’s life all the time. Individual tend to react in a calm and tranquil way to their problems and personal disasters and catastrophes as religion and its practice provides a person with the relief of their worries/tragedies. One can shape and enhance their personality, character, and social behaviors in a culture or nation through a source that comes under religion. Another important aspect of religion is that it helps in developing and controlling willpower in young generation as they undergo different changes around and inside them. Religion also teaches to have faith in God and stay away from the undesirable acts that may cause harm to them. As almost every religion has an essential learning that teaches us to maintain peace in the society and world and to h ave respect for all, but sometimes the religious discrepancies may lead to bloodshed, battles and biasness or unfair treatments. Religion is a source of influence and has a lot of supremacy in it, which can bring people of various environment, surroundings, and cultures under one roof for the sake of worship. With the numerous religions practiced all over world, Hinduism and Jainism are one of them that come under practice by the community of Indian subcontinent. The practices of Indian religions including Hinduism and Jainism involve concepts of dharma, karma, reincarnation, mantras, vantras, caste, and darsana. Hinduism is an ancient, primeval and one of the biggest religions practiced in the subcontinent. The concept of karma comes under application in the fundamental customs, everyday principles, and the wedding ceremonies of the Hindus. Hinduism is a religion that comprises of abundant of different philosophies of dharma and the major texts and epics that are of immense importa nce with respect to their beliefs includes â€Å"Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Puranas† (Das, pp. 5-45). The distinguished aspects of this religion also include the conviction of Hindus in reincarnation that is

New Balance Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study

New Balance Corporate Social Responsibility - Case Study Example According to the essay findings  manufacturing of all kinds of the footwear within the US is on decline – the main reason is the low-wage cost at some of the emerging economies such as China.   It is important to note that footwear manufacturing, in spite of significant technological advances, involves considerable amount of manual handling.   As a result of this, the footwear industry in the US in general and New Balance in particular faces huge environmental and social challenges. A strong Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy needs to be in place to not only enhance all stakeholders' trust and confidence in the company but also spearhead its growth by integrating the core business strategy with its CSR strategy.  Ã‚  This paper discusses that  New Balance's Mission statement explicitly takes into account the importance of CSR policy in its growth: "Demonstrating responsible leadership, we build global brands that athletes are proud to wear, associates are p roud to create and communities are proud to host".  Values, integrity and long history are the aspects that strengthen overall governance of the company. People feel proud while working at New Balance because management provides due importance and listen them carefully. People at senior management in the company believe to having a strong support for CSR.  The company's mission statement and values strongly support CSR functions. However, the difficult part is that very few of them really understand the current responsible leadership (RL) goals and priorities.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Image analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Image analysis - Essay Example Twitchell suggests that the human condition is one in which we have been inherently materialistic making us susceptible to the images we see. â€Å"We have always been desirous of things. We have just not had many of them until quite recently, and, in a few generations, we may return to having fewer and fewer† (Twitchell 471-472). However, in this material culture, where so many things are mass-produced in a variety of forms and substances, it is helpful to have some sort of guide to help us determine which things should be accorded the highest value and which things are not so great. This is where advertising enters the scene and helps us to define just what is valuable and what kind of meaning or history a particular object might have. It takes advantage of this natural human tendency to want to be comfortable and to have stuff to own, trade, protect or produce. However, despite our desire for increasingly more ‘stuff’, we nevertheless insist on being entertaine d if we are to pay attention to the message or the products it’s associated with. As a result, if advertising is to be effective, it must first appeal to the consumer in an entertaining or meaningful way, such as in the image taken by Peter Knapp in 1971. A basic description of this photograph reveals a greater than expected complicity. Upon first looking at the image, one is able to recognize a very pretty dark-haired girl with somewhat unusual features looking out of the page with an unfocused expression. Her face is heavily made up in what probably is underdone for the 70s generation. Her hair falls below her shoulders with somewhat messy curls gathering on her upper chest, but it does not extend longer than her armpit area. She has rich, peacock blue eye-shadow covering her eyelids which makes her seeming lack of eyebrows more prominent. She also has spots of pink rouge covering her cheeks in a way that looks less

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Quantitative Methods and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quantitative Methods and Analysis - Essay Example 190). where, Z is the value of the normal distribution table at given confidence level ? is the standard deviation and E is the desired precision For AIU, Confidence level is 95%. Z (Confidence level=95%) = 1.96 ? = $700 E = $55 Thus, it implies that the institute needs to sample 623 individuals to meet the original requirements of the sample. The sample size that is determined has a significant impact on the budget of the research. An increase in the sample size will mean that the institute will have to spend more amount for carrying out the research. If the budget of AIU is not enough to cover the entire sample of 623, the institute can reduce the sample size or lower down its conditions in confidence level or desired precision. If we see the normal distribution table, we see that the z value deceases with decease in confidence level (Levin & Rubin, 2007). In order to reduce the sample size, one option that AIU is having is to reduce its confidence level. Confidence level is a repr esentation of the surety of the data received. Confidence level can be defined as the likelihood of the true population parameter lying within the range specified by the confidence interval (Stattrek, 2011). Decreasing the confidence level will lead to decrease of the z value, which will reduce the sample size. ... crease the distance from the mean that is permissible for the mean dollars spent by each card holder to $70 at the same confidence level, the sample size becomes: We can see that a slight increase (from 55 to 70) in the marginal error that is acceptable to the researchers lead to a decrease in the required size drastically (from 623 to 385). References Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research Methods in Education, 6th ill. ed. NY: Routledge. Levin, R.I., & Rubin, D.S. (2007). Statistics for Management, 7th ed. New Delhi: Dorling Kinderseley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Stattrek. (2011). Confidence Level. [Online]. Available at: [Last accessed on 20th June 2011]. Wrenn, B., Stevens, R.E., & Loundon, D.L. (2006). Marketing research: text and cases, 2nd ill. ed. New York: The Haworth Press. Part 2 Surveys are very useful tool to collect information about a population. In a research using surveys a questionnaire is admin istered on a carefully identified sample of respondents (McQuarrie, 2006). Survey questionnaires are typically aimed at identifying particular respondent’s characteristics, attitudes or perception. Surveys find extensive application in areas such as market research, psychological studies, sociology and human resources. One example of a survey can be a survey in the area of market research, where respondents are asked to respond to their opinion about a particular product or service. Such surveys can be administered through questionnaires written on paper. Another type of survey can be the one used by the HR department of organizations to assess the employee satisfaction levels. These surveys can be administered as web-based surveys. Telephonic surveys can be administered to analyze the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Global Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Change - Research Paper Example Moving on with the discussion at hand, change is something that manifests its own basis within the personal as well as the professional lives of the people. They encounter this change as coming about in their personal capacities as well as their professional ones, and hence should be thought of as bringing with it some form of baggage that will have its own consequences and ramifications in the long run. Some people opine that this change element is not one that they would buy because it is filled with uncertainties and issues of a confusing nature. There are individuals who would readily buy this change and accept it as a norm within their entireties. Thus the global change is something that is understood differently by varied people all over the world and is transformed due to the cultural, national and religious angles which keep on amending from time to time. It is a fact that global change is not seen as a hindrance by the business communities but then again there are individual s who would never believe it to be a truthful one. The global change is bound to happen within the business realms because things keep on getting changing time and again, and there are significant repercussions of these changes that happen on a global front. It will make its own basis in a good enough way, but if this change creates problems, then people need to be made aware of the consequences which shall come about in the coming times.Within business, change is important because it takes a whole new look at the things that manifest the change in essence.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The problem and its background Essay Example for Free

The problem and its background Essay Education is the process of learning and knowing, which is unending. It is so significant in the lives of every people living in this world and it would not be an exaggeration to say that the existence of human being is fruitless without this. Education helps us to gain knowledge, think scholarly and apply knowledge into logical action for us to cope up with the problems, issues and challenges that our country is encountering in this present time, hence it is a holistic process and it continues through our life. The Philippines is facing various problems including high unemployment and low economic rate and at the same time the Educational System in the Philippines. Thus, the government is trying their best to improve the quality of education because they believe it is one of the solutions to solve this problem that is why Department of Education tries new strategies to improve the quality of education delivered to the students. The Department of Education had done so many surveys and reports so that they will be able to deal with the needs of the people and society. In 1925, the Monroe Survey was passed to Department of Education stated that the secondary education cannot prepare students for life that is why they suggested students to have training in agriculture, commerce and industry. In 1930, the Prosser Survey was passed to recommend improving vocational education such as 7thgrade shop work, provincial schools, and practical arts training in the regular high schools, home economics, p lacement work, gardening, and agricultural education. In 1970, the Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE) suggested the implementation of 11-year program to improve the state of education in our country. They recommended the program to have a compulsory 6 years for elementary education and 5 years for secondary education or for high school. In 1991, the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) Report (1991) was passed  suggested if one year would be added to our education program, it would either be 7 years for elementary and 4 years for secondary education or 6 years for elementary and 5 years for secondary education. This report supported the survey of Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE). In 2000, the Presidential Commission on Educational Reforms suggested the establishment of one year pre-baccalaureate system. In 2008, Presidential Task Force on Education discussed our education program should add two more years that other countries are implementing it and because of this discussion the K-12 Education Program was formed. In 2012, the government is now implementing this program offered to Grade 1 and Junior High School Students. K to 12 means Kind ergarten and the 12 years of elementary and secondary education. This model involves Kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school (Grades 7 to 10) and two years of senior high school (Grades 11 to 12). The two years of senior high school intend to provide time for students to consolidate acquired academic skills and competencies (DepEd, 2010). The study was designed for readers to cope up with the current issue and to have a clearer understanding on the implemented K-12 Education Program. This study is important for readers to have a knowledge why the DepEd implemented this program and to compare it with the previous program consisting of 10 years. Fortunately the researchers have come up with this study because this is the latest issue and many editors and writers argue about the effectiveness of K-12 on the newspapers and magazines. This study intends to know the Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz towards the K+12 program Implemented by the Department of Education recently. Background of the Study Nowadays Philippines is considered as one of the countries that has already low standard of education. Lack of budget and resources are the primary reasons on why the education system in our country was considered poor. Among other reason why a group of public school teachers remains critical of K+12. Due to this phenomena DepEd pursued a program that is believed to put the Philippines’ education system to higher grounds the K+12. The K+12 Program covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary education, four years of junior high school, and two years of seniorhigh school [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. (Retrieved from discussion paper on the enhanced k+12 basic education program.pdf) The K+12 curriculum aims to enable every child â€Å"to achieve mastery of core competenci es and skills† and develop tracks based on the student’s interests and competencies. The focus of K+12 is twofold: curriculum enhancement and transition management. With the K-6-4-2 model, the 2 years for senior high school is aimed to giving the student time to strengthen competencies and academic skills. The curriculum will also provide specializations in the following: science and technology, music and arts, agriculture and fisheries, sports, business and entrepreneurship, etc, depending on the occupation or career that they intend to pursue. These two years will build on skills that are essential to their chosen field. DepEd is preparing a carefully sequenced implementation plan to ensure smooth transition with the least disruption in the current program. (Retrieved from discussion paper on the enhanced k+12 basic education program.pdf) Every graduate of the enhanced K+12 basic education program is an empowered individual who has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational principles and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in autonomous critical thinking, and the capacity to transform others and one’s self. (Retrieved from discussion paper on the enhanced k+12 basic education program.pdf) The adoption of the program is in response to the need to improve the competitiveness of our country’s graduates as the ten-year basic education cycle is seen as inadequate for work and higher education. In fact, overseas Filipino workers are not automatically recognized as professionals in other countries that view the ten-year education program as insufficient. The Philippines is the only country in Asia and is one of only three countries in the world with a ten-year basic education cycle. (Retrieved from Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.htm) The K+12 education system is the public education system that most of us are familiar with today. Comprised of thirteen grades, kindergarten through 12th, the K+12 education system refersto all school system in the Philippines. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact history of education, as educa tion has been occurring in some from for centuries in all parts of the world. For the purposes of this article, we will explore the history of K+12 education system we know today as it applies primarily to the Philippines. Also, we would like to know the sides of the parents who are financing their children’s education. And in accordance to this the researchers expect that by the end of the study they could produce an instrument for the awareness of people in this K+12 project. Thus, this study gives importance on education, specifically on the part of mostly parents regarding on their awareness, knowledge and attitude on the k+12 program of the Department of Education. Theoretical Framework This study entitled â€Å"A Study on the Level of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitude of the Parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the K+12 Program of the Department of Education† will be using Input Process Output. Input Process and Output Model is defined as the graphical representation of all the factors that make up a process. An input-process-output diagram includes all of the materials and information required for the process, details of the process itself, and descriptions of all products and by-products resulting from the process. Elements of Input Process and Output Model * Input- The information, ideas, and resources used. * Process- Actions taken upon/using input * Output- Results of the processing. Input Process Output Model Conceptual Framework This study entitled â€Å"A Study on the Level of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitudes of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 Program of the Department of Education† will aims to quantify the Awareness, knowledge and attitudes of the respondents. Moreover, in order to have a deeper indulgent in this study the researchers logically applied the study on the Model – Input Process and Output Model. To meet the researchers objectives cited here, a step-by-step procedure would be first considered: First is the Input Element. The Input of this study are the following: Demographic Profile of the respondents, Respondent’s Socio-Economic Profile, Level of Respondent’s Awareness, Respondent’s Knowledge, Attitude(s) of the respondent and the relationship of the respondent’s Educational Background, Family Background and Socio-Economic Profile to their Identified Attitude(s) regarding on the k+12 Program of DepEd. These Inputs would be process, in the process. Second is the Process Element. This element or the process element processes the said input(s) of this study. In the process the researchers will conduct survey and analyze the collected data in order to come up a reliable and productive result. The last one is the Output Element. The output of the study would come from the processed data. The outcome of the processed data would be the Awareness, Knowledge and Attitude of the respondents. Application of IPO – Input Output Process Mode Statement of the Problem The researchers designed this paper to know the Awareness, Knowledge and Attitudes of the Parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School regarding on the K+12 Program of the Department of Education. The main problem of this study will focus on in the question: What are the level of awareness, Knowledge and the Attitude of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on k+12 Program of the Department of Education? Objectives of the Study General Objective: To know the level of awareness, Knowledge and the attitude of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 program of DedEd. Specific Objectives: 1. To lay down the Demographic Profile of the respondents, in terms of their: a) Respondent’s Profile a1) Name a2) Age a3) Gender a4) Civil Status b) Respondent’s Educational Background b1) Elementary Graduate b2) High School Graduate b3) College Undergraduate b4) College Graduate 2. To know the respondent’s Socio-Economic Profile; in terms of their: a) Monthly income of parent(s) a1) 5000-10000a2)10001-15000 a3)15001-20000a4) 20001-25000 b) Respondent’s State of work or source(s) of Income: b1) Employmentb2) Business Owner 3. To determine the Level of Respondent’s Awareness regarding on the K+12 Program of the Department of Education. 4. To know the Respondent’s Knowledge on the K+12 Program of DepEd. 5. To identify the Attitude(s) of the respondent toward K+12 Program of DepEd. Hypotheses: 1. The researchers hypothesized that most of the respondents are married and ages 45-55 years and most of them are college undergraduates. 2. The researchers hypothesized that most of the respondents are unemployed since on the first hypothesis of the researchers is that most the respondents are college undergraduates so that they weren’t able to have a work whether Private or Government. 3. The researchers also hypothesized that most of the respondents of this study are living on apartment type or boarding house as their nature of occupancy since it is really hard to have or to own house and lot especially in commercial or in urban places. 4. The researchers hypothesized that most of the respondents have monthly income which ranges from P5000-10000 because most of them are college undergraduates. Even though they’re belonged on the lower part of the social strata their children are still studying. It is because that Filipinos believed on education that is the only key to success. 5. The researchers hypothesized that most of the respondents are aware on the K+12 program of the Department of Education due to the easy access on the information from TV, Radio, Internet or Newspapers. 6. The researchers hypothesized that a big number of respondents are insufficient on the knowledge about the k+12 Program of the Department of Education though there is an easy access to information that information is inadequate to give knowledge on the part of the respondents, the researchers believed that face-to-face communication is better than mediated means. 7. The researchers hypothesized that a great number of respondents are unfavoured on the k+12 program of DepEd because the researchers believed that the respondent’s capability such on financial state on the sudden implementation of this program is not enough. Significance of the Study K to 12 Curriculum is an innovative education system. This area of education has a dominance over the usual educational systems as it puts more weight on thinking and reaching own self-explanatory conclusions. To the Readers This study is primarily for the concern of the readers especially the parents who will shoulder most of the saddles of this new education program. But parents should be motivated of what this K to 12 education plan could offer to their children’s future. This is important because parents play a major role in providing for their child’s allowances, supplies and other fees in school. Add to that, the support and effort of teaching and guiding their children. Since K to 12 offers a more balanced approach to learning that will enable children to acquire and master lifelong learning skills, therefore, K to 12 graduates will have higher earning potential since they will be more competent and skilled compared to graduates of the current 10-year system. Aside from the parents, it will be the students who will benefit a lot from this new education system. Students will be free to pursue their passion. They will be given enough attention and will be given the chance to choose ele ctives that will suit their needs. Students will be more equipped, enriched and ready enough to face reality – the career world. To the Researchers As researchers, we get to be aware of the advantages of this program on how it can help and improve the quality of life of the country as a whole. Through having this research, it can change your wrong intuition about K to 12. And this will serve as a future reference. To the Educators Educators will also take a big part on this program. They will be playing bigger roles towards the students. Primary need of teacher education programs is to design and implement powerful uses of technology that will provide the students with more effective and challenging experiences. Educators would undergo different seminars and programs in relation with the K to 12 education system. It will help teachers to be more equipped in teaching and it will be a professional development tool that boosts their confidence to integrate the latest technology in the classroom. To the Filipinos Once this new program succeeds, it is best hoped that Filipino students would be more literate, capable, and competitive to be able to find jobs more easily and contribute to the countrys pride as well as the countrys economy. The Philippine education system will be at par with international standards. K+12 will facilitate mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. Lastly, a better educated society provides a sound foundation for long-term socio-economic development. The Enhanced K+12 Basic Education system will contribute to the development of emotionally and intellectually mature individuals capable of pursuing productive employment or entrepreneurship or higher education disciplines. To the Department of Education This would be a great assist on the institution with the data and results that would be gathered and prepared by the researchers, the Department of Education would have an information based material that will be useful in developing the said program. Scope and Limitations The researchers limit the study on the level of awareness, knowledge and the attitude(s) of the Parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School about K+12 education program. This study looked into the discernment of parents regarding the issue of K+12, as well scrutinizes the benefits they assumed to be develop from this issue. The researchers limited its study into 50 respondents via random sampling technique. Only parents from Grade 7 students of Pedro E. Diaz High School were involved. The study will be conducted from the month of July to the month of October year 2012-2013. Definition of Terms *Attitude- it is a manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind: a negative attitude; group attitudes. Position or posture of the body appropriate to or expressive of an action, emotion, etc.: a threatening attitude; a relaxed attitude. (Retrieved from Awareness -is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is defined as a humans or an animals perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. (Retrieve from * Curriculum-In formal education, a curriculum is the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school or university. As an idea, curriculum came fr om the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adults. A curriculum may also refer to a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfil in order to pass a certain level of education. (Retrieved from * Dominance-superior development of one side of the body, the power or right to give orders or make decisions. (Retrieved from * K+12-are a designation for the sum of primary and secondary education. It is used in the United States, Canada, Philippines and Australia. P–12 is also occasionally used in Australia. The expression is a shortening of Kindergarten (K) for 4–6-year-olds through twelfth grade (12) for 16–19-year-olds, the first and last grades of free education in these countries. (Retrieved from Knowledge- it is Human faculty resulting from interpreted information; understanding that germinates from combination of data, information, experience, and individual interpretation. A information that changes something or somebody—either by becoming grounds for actions, or by making an individual (or an institution) capable of different or more effective action. ( Retrieved from * Motivation- is a process that elicits, controls, and sustains certain behaviours. Motivation is a group phenomenon that affects the nature of an individuals behaviour, the strength of the behaviour, and the persistence of the behaviour. (Retrieved from Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter includes some related literature and studies of foreign and local researchers which are presented in the following paragraphs. Foreign Literature Regarding knowledge, Palmer (1998) emphasized that people should acquire appropriate range of knowledge, understanding, and concepts about the environment so that critical judgment can be achieved. Further, experiences and reflection in the environment should be allowed to refine â€Å"environmentally focused skills, further relevant knowledge, and development of appropriate attitudes and environmental awareness† (p.146). Orr (1992) reflected upon the concept of forming attitudes in order to build on ecological literacy. This ecological literacy should not be interpreted as the knowledge of facts and concepts only, but â€Å"the knowledge necessary to comprehend interrelatedness, and an attitude of care or stewardship† (p.92). Therefore â€Å"knowledge, the attitude of caring, and a practical competence are the basis of an ecological literacy† (Orr, 1990, p.51). Madsen (1996) emphasized the concept that awareness is the ultimate driving force that stimulates know ledge. The acknowledgement that an environmental problem exists entails being more cognizant of the facts about the state of the environment. â€Å"This degree of environmental awareness involves a personal commitment to work to solv/e environmental problems† (p.72). He emphasized the power behind the awareness factor by categorizing three levels of awareness as: basic belief of an environmental problem, factual and scientific knowledge, and a commitment to solve environmental problems. Athman and Monroe (2000) stated that awareness and knowledge of environmental processes and systems play an important role in EE. However, these are not the only factors affecting the behavior outcome. Behavior is what people do, whether it is environmentally appropriate or inappropriate (Hernandez Monroe, 2000).Behavior in general is supported by knowledgeand attitude but there is not a direct cause-and-effect progression from knowledge to attitude to behaviour (Monroe, Day, Grieser, 2000). Awareness was studied along with environmental knowledge and concern by Hausbeck, Milbrath and Enright (1992).In this study the authors concluded that awareness and concern scores were significantly higher than knowledge levels.They linked this result with the fact that a primary source of environmental information is electronic media (NEETF, 1998, p.14), where as awareness and concern can be picked up with little substantive knowledge (p.31). Some predictors of environmentalism using the NEP 2000 instrument were: age, education, and political ideology (Dunlap, Van Liere, Mertig, Jones, 2000). Rovira (2000) concluded in an evaluation of parents, that environmental consciousness might be influenced by social factors such as social position, age, and level of education. The awareness, knowledge, and attitude of the parents can de influenced with the socio-economic and educational factors. Morrone, Mancl, Carr (2001) included socioeconomic status (SES) as one of four factors in a stud y related to ecological knowledge. Respondents from low SES did not perceive environmental threats as seriously as did other respondents. Low SES respondents also rated themselves as more informed about the environment than did students and minorities. â€Å"Parents play a vital role in the development and education of their children. Parents and families have the primary responsibility for the development of their children’s character, with the support of their school and community. In addition, research clearly indicates that good schools become better schools when there is a strong connection with parents as part of the learning community. Thus, parents play an important role within the school community, but also through the attitudes they help to shape, and the direct supports they provide to their children.† The researchers want to conclude that the knowledge, awareness and attitude of parents can have an impact on the acceptance of K+12 Education system that our government has now implemented. Local Literature The researchers would want to focus now about K+12. It has long been a popular notion that any attempt to lengthen the required number of years in basic education will be faced with a howl of protests, particularly from parents who will bear the brunt of additional expenses and students who will have to spend more years in school. I’m really searching to actively engage them towards a consensus because it would be pointless to come up with the program that is good objectively but is not acceptable to people. â€Å"So I always feel it’s important that we engage people. I think it’s a matter of explaining to them, but also engaging them because I’ve gotten some very good inputs and suggestions from people. So I think our task is to respond to their concerns and anxieties. K+12 program pg 9 K+12 aren’t meant to be the pill that cures the illness that pervades Philippine education. The most obvious component is the additional two years that will be added to the basic education cycle (that and the inclusion of universal kindergarten). For President Aquino, k+12 will give public schoolchildren â€Å"an even chance at succeeding.† In the long run, it is the education initiative that supposed to open doors for economic advancement to young Filipinos. This envisioned becoming one of the Aquino administration’s most significant accomplishments towards producing a highly-skilled and educated citizenry and building a more robust economy. If substantial improvements in the quality of public basic education can be introduced through k+12 the department argues, our country’s gross Domestic product can increase by 2 percent. It has also been pointed out that k+12 can help spur the entrepreneurial climate in the country. Ultimately, therefore, K+12 hopes to go beyond lengthening the basic education cycle. It hopes to empower our students, allowing them to complete more effectively for jobs abroad, have their academic credentials recognized automatically in other countries without the benefit of tertiary e ducation. Among the 115 Unesco member-states, the Philippines os said to be one of only three countries (the other two being Djibouti and Angola) that maintains a 10-year pre-university education system. Proponents argue that shifting to a 12-year basic education cycle will give more time for teachers to teach a subject and for students to absorb what is being taught in school. The introduction of k+12 is thus envisioned to help solve some of the most pressing problems facing Basic education: low achievement test scores, a congested curriculum, and the inadequate preparation of high school students for work and college. Deped has pointed out that our 10-year basic education system produces graduates below the age of 18, which means they are too young to either enter the labor force or start a business on their own. K=+12 program pg.11 By 2020, the Philippines will join the APEC Trade Regime. Before these two events happen, we have to prepare our graduates to be globally competitive. There are no other alternatives but to align our degree programs with those of other countries.† This is the main reason that the members of the Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE), particularly CHED, are rushing the addition of at least one more and even two more years to our education cycle. All other countries in the world have 15 or 16 years of education from Grade 1 to undergraduate graduation. The Philippines has the shortest education cycle in the world (only 10 years of public basic education and usually only 4 years of undergraduate education, for a total of 14). European countries have 12 years of basic education and 3 years of undergraduate education. The United States and Asia-Pacific countries have 12 years of basic education and 4 years of undergraduate education. (Myanmar is an exception because it has only 11 years of basic education before 4 years of undergraduate education. India is also an exception, because it has only 3 years of undergraduate education after 12 years of basic education.) Mutual recognition of qualifications and degrees will be undertaken by ASEAN countries and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region. Thus, HEIs [Higher Education Institutions] must prepare for it now. The qualifications of our graduates must be improved to meet our development goals. Isagani R. Cruz pg.103 A good example of how equivalencies work is the Washington Accord (1989), an international agreement that specifies that a professional engineer must have gone to school for at least 16 years if she or he wants to practise in another country. With on ly 10 years of public basic education and even with 5 years of engineering, we are still one year short. Another often-cited international agreement is the Bologna Accord (1999), which specifies that professional accountants, pharmacists, physical therapists, and so on should have at least 3 years of undergraduate education in addition to 12 years of basic education. Again, our 14-year education cycle is one year short. In fact, since most Filipinos want to live and work abroad anyway, there is no reason to think that ensuring employment abroad through equivalent local education will be met with resistance. The answer is simple: students and parents cannot afford the extra year of food, clothing, shelter, and lost income. Isagani R. Cruz pg.104-105 Fortunately,we have a Philippine best practice to guide us in this matter of length versus content. When De La Salle University shifted from a semestral to a trimestral system in 1981, teachers had to rethink their syllabi. It was not just a matter of teaching 18 weeks’ worth of material in 14 weeks. That would have been not just impossible, but pedagogically unsound. The expected learning competencies per subject, and therefore the entire curriculum, had to be revised. It is, therefore, not just a matter of saying that there should be a Grade 7 or a Fifth or Sixth Year High School or a Pre-University Year in college. Just as important as the decision on when to add the missing year or years is the decision on how to change the entire curriculum to make it rational and effective. Isagani R. Cruz pg.108-109 It is also clear that we cannot add the missing year to elementary school, because we would have to wait 7 years for a Grade 1 student to finish Grade 7, 4 more years to finish high school, and 4 more years to finish college. Isagani R. Cruz pg.111 CHED wants to solve a problem (the lack of years) of basic education through higher education. That, of course, seems inappropriate, because CHED is not supposed to worry about basic education. The second thing is to understand that the extra year should focus on subjects that will prepare the student for college work (â€Å"college† as defined by Harvard and Oxford). Isagani R. Cruz pg.112-113 The Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE) has hit upon the correct solution to this mismatch. It recommends that we should not expect everybody to go to college. The PTFE recommends that high school graduates be streamed into either college or technical-vocational (tech-voc) programs. For tech-voc, our current ten-year basic education cycle is enough. With some improvements to be brought about by moving some college General Education Curriculum (GEC) subjects down to high school, the public school system should be able to prepare students to go into a tech-voc program that may take anywhere from one to three years. Everybody goes through six years of elementary school and four years of high school (plus preschool and kinder garten, where feasible). This is the DepEd cycle as we now have it. After high school, everybody takes an exam. Those that pass the exam may go to the university stream. Those that do not pass the exam may go to the polytechnic stream (polytechnic sounds much better than tech-voc). The Final Report of the Presidential Task Force for Education (PTFE) contains several recommendations to reform our educationalsystem. Many of these recommendations are not new, but were widely discussed and agreed upon in earlier surveys, such as the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM, 1992) and the Presidential Commission on Educational Reform (PCER, 2000). (Isagani R. Cruz pg.114-115) There are numerous questions concerning the issues and problems existing in the Philippine Educational System as to how we can resolve it the best way we could to attain that kind of quality of education we have been searching and longing for. Where do we begin and how do we respond to such? Public schools are the building blocks of our societies. They can be considered our foundational instruments. Although these venues of learning play significant roles, they are unable to provide the best they can, due to their numerous flaws. As I’ve gone through different readings and researches, questions were arising in my mind as to what solutions are applicable in addressing the problems about the quality of education, affo rdability, budget, mismatch, integration of sex education in the curriculum, R.A. 9710 (Magna Carta for Women) and other concerns which are somehow related to it. I will always stand for what I believe in according to my observations that we have good guidelines and policies on education but what is lacking is the ability to implement such in accordance to the needs of every school, majority of which belong to the public education system. Generally, Philippine Education aims to provide quality and free education both for the elementary and secondary public schools but again this have not been observed and understood well causing it to be a burden most especially to the students and parents. Foreign Studies The researchers would want to focus on the outcomes of the K-12 education system to other countries. In fall 2005, 757,116 students wereenrolled in grades K-12 in Colorado’s public schools, ranking 22nd in the country in terms of total state K-12 public school enrollment (NEA 2005). Researcher Tom Mortenson of Postsecondary Education Opportunity calculates a ninth-grade student’s â€Å"chance for college† by age 19 in each state and nationwide by combining high school graduation rates with rates of student college-going. In Colorado in 2004, a ninth-grader had a 42.2% chance for college by age 19. Nationwide, the chance for college is just 38.1% Colorado ranks 15th on this indicator. Of the peer states used in this report, only Minnesota ranks higher, with a chance for college of 54.6% (Mortenson, 2006).In 2002, 57.3% of high school graduates in Colorado continued directly on to post-secondary education. This is slightly higher than the national average of 56.6%. In a study conducted for the Department of Local Affairs, researchers convened directors of Colorado’s regional Workforce Investment Boards. These officials reported difficulty finding qualified applicants for both entry-level and skilled positions, and concerns about a lack of basic skills in the workforce (Blansett and Gershwin, 2005). According to the conclusion of Learning Together: Assessing Colorado’s K-12 Education System conducted by Center for Education Policy Analysis at the Graduate School of Public Affairs and University of Colorado at Denver And Health Sciences Center, Colorado could and should be doing better in educating K-12 students. Notably, t heir state’s struggles with educating traditionally at-risk students has resulted in student achievement and high school graduation gaps that are among the largest in the country. If they were to make substantial progress on closing these gaps, their achievement statistics would quickly rise to the top. Many of their peer states face greater challenges than they do in terms of state-wide poverty and diverse student populations, yet they have managed to find greater success with closing gaps. Until Colorado finds the collective will, the leadership, and the resources to solve this problem, they will continue to be average when they could be outstanding. Local Studies The 1987 Philippine Constitution puts special premium on education and accords it with the highest budgetary priority. Article XIV, Section 1, in particular, explicitly provides: â€Å"The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels.† Article XIV, Section 5(5) clearly mandates the State to â€Å"assign the highest budgetary priority for education.† However, despite these constitutional guarantees, current performance indicators showed a dismal picture of the quality of education in the country. Participation rates have worsened; dropout rates remain high and the Philippines continue to perform poorly in both national and international assessment tests (Policy Brief, 2011). As a response to this issue, the DepEd is pushing for the passage of a law that will implement the so-called K to 12 program, which will institutionalize pre-school and add two more years of high school in the country’s basic education cycle. However, in light of the tight fiscal situation and the mounting demands coming from all other sectors, the increasing cost of living and the additional burden that this measure will entail particularly for households, it is important to determine whether K to 12 is a viable and critical program that needs to be pursued (Ibid, 2011). Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), a group of top businessmen who are pushing for education reforms, welcomed government’s strong resolve to finally put in place a decades-old proposal for a K+12 basic education cycle. â€Å"The K+12 gives to the masses the extra years of schooling that for many years has only been available in private elite education institutions. Studies have shown that every additional year of schooling improves the income potential of a student as she/he enters the world of work† (Malipot, 2010). The government wants to improve the quality of education not only for private education institutions but also for the public education institutions in the Philippines and as a result of that, the country will have higher employment rate. However, the problem that can arise from the implementation of K+12 education system is the acceptance of the parents. It has long been a popular notion that any attempt to lengthen the required number of years in basic education will be faced with a howl of protests, particularly from parents who will bear the brunt of additional expenses and students who will have to spend more years in school (Educator Magazine, 2011). The government is trying different strategies on how the parents will have awareness and knowledge on the K+12 Education Program. â€Å"[Former DepEd Secretary] Br. Andrew Gonzalez used to say, ‘I’m really searching to actively engage them towards a consensus because it would be pointless to come up with a program that is good objectively but is not acceptable to people. There should be political will, but it’s not like we ram things down people’s throats. You have to win them over, you have to explain-that’s a very long process† (Ibid, 2011). Luistro qualifies. â€Å"So I always feel it’s important that we engage people. I think itâ €™s a matter of explaining to them, but also engaging them because I’m gotten some very good inputs and suggestions from people. So I think our task is to respond to their concerns and anxieties† (Ibid, 2011). After two months of regional consultations, Education Secretary Armin Luistro revealed that the proposal was able to get support from 1,274 out of 1,417 participants or 77 percent in the 17 regions. Among the stakeholders, DepEd found that the most supportive group is the students. The program got 100 percent support from Regions IVA, IVB, V, VII, VIII, XI, and XIII (Caraga).But Luistro admitted that there are still many sentiments against it. Stakeholders in Region IX, for example, presented a lot of concerns and reservations. Out of 45 attendees, only six or 13 percent showed support to the program. In the NCR, the K+12 Education program was able to get support from 67 out of the 94 participants or a grade of 71 percent (Malipot, 2011). CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research design, sample and sampling technique, instrumentation and statistical treatment of the data used in the development of this study; the most convenient and precise methods were used that enabled the researchers to obtained functional information. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHOD For this study â€Å"A Study on the Level of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitudes of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 Program of the Department of Education†, the researchers used Quantitative approach. In Quantitative research, the process is formal, objective and systematic in which numerical data are utilized to obtain information about the world. Moreover, this study is descriptive in the manner of interpreting the data. As pointed by John W. Best, in descriptive research, the variables and procedure are described as accurately and completely as possible so that the study can be replicated by other research. Thus, the researchers used the Quantitative Descriptive Approach and Design since it lent itself to the identification of the actual conditions relative to the K+12 curriculum and the relationship of the respondents with the recurring situation. The research method used in this study was Survey Questionnaire Method. Survey Questionnaire method ac cording to Cruz (2011) is a set of questions, which is intended for the problem to be answered by the respondents. This is usually accompanied by clear and concise directions, which are sent to the respondent by mail or hand carried. This method is relatively simple and inexpensive for it requires small staff to handle it. A standard set of questions can be prepared and the respondents may feel a greater sense of freedom to express views and opinions because their identities are not known. For this study the parents of Pedro E. Diaz an answer the questionnaire with privacy at their own convenience. Sample and Sampling Technique For this study, the group used probability technique specifically the random sampling in deriving or in determining the sample of this study. In random sampling, this is done by getting a certain percentage of the population to be included in the study. In this research 25 % of the total population is used. In relation to this study, the parents of Grade 7 students, randomly selected, from Pedro E. Diaz High School were the Study sample. Research Instrumentation The instrument that was used in this study to gather pertinent data needed in this study is survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was developed by the researcher anchored with the research objectives. The items were organized based on the Level of Awareness, Knowledge and the Attitudes of the parents of Pedro E. Diaz High School on the k+12 Program. The survey questionnaire consists of the following: Demographic Profile, Respondent’s Socio-Economic Profile, Level of respondent’s Awareness on k+12, Respondent’s Knowledge on K+12 and Attitude(s) of Respondent on K+12. Data Gathering Procedure The researchers asked permission to administer the questionnaire checklist from the school authorities concerned which included the Principal of Pedro E. Diaz High School. After the approval of the authorities concerned, the researchers distributed personally the questionnaire to 50 parents on July 2012. The questionnaire checklists were therefore administered to all 50 parents. The retrieval of the instrument was through one week after the questionnaires have been distributed. With the fully cooperation extended to the researchers by the teachers the 100% of the distributed instrument was retrieved. Statistical Treatment of Data The researchers used the random sampling technique to the get respondents. The 25 % of the population is used, thus: Population = 200 parents Population x 25 % = 50 respondents The data was obtained was tallied and tabulated. Tables and figures were used to illustrate the data gathered for presentation, interpretation and analysis. All data obtained from the responses to the questionnaire-checklist were collected and tabulated after which they are statistically treated using this percentage and weighted are on rank order. Chapter 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter shows analyzed and interpreted tables of the information gathered. 1. Demographic Profile Table 1.1 Age (Class)| Frequency| Percentage| 29-32| 2| 4%| 33-36| 7| 14%| 37-40| 5| 10%| 41-44| 12| 24%| 45-48| 12| 24%| 49-52| 9| 18%| 53-56| 1| 2%| 57-61| 2| 4%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The respondents’ percentage of ages 41 to 44 is 24 %, same with ages 45 to 48. The least percentage is 4 % which falls on the respondents aging 57 – 61. Table 1.2 Gender| Frequency| Percentage| Female| 42| 84%| Male| 8| 16%| | Total=50| Total:100%| There are 42 females which is 84 % of the respondents, wherein there are 8 males which is 16 % of the respondents. Table 1.3 Civil Status| Frequency| Percentage| Separated| 3| 6%| Widowed| 2| 4%| Married| 44| 88%| Single| 1| 8%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The 88 % of the population is married. The least percentage is 8 % which belongs to single respondents. Table 1.4 Respondent’s Educational Background| Frequency| Percentage| Elementary Graduate| 3| 6%| High School Graduate| 32| 64%| College Graduate| 12| 24%| Others: (College Undergraduate)| 3| 6%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the educational background of the respondents. 64 % of the respondents graduated from High School, 6 % is Elementary graduate same with College Graduate. 2. Respondent’s Socio-Economic Profile Table 2.1 Respondent’s Monthly Income| Frequency| Percentage| 5,000- 10,000| 30| 60%| 10,001-15,000| 11| 22%| 15,001-20,000| 3| 6%| 20,001-25,000| 6| 12%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the respondents’ monthly income. The 60 % of the respondents have an income ranging from 5,000 to10, 000. The 22 % has an income ranging from 10,001 to 15, 000. The least 6 % has an income ranging from 20,001 to 25,000. Table 2.2 Respondent’s Source of Income| Frequency| Percentage| Employment| 41| 82%| Own Business| 9| 18%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the respondents’ sources of income. The 82 % of the respondents are employed privately while the 18 % of the respondents have their own business. 3. Level of respondent’s Awareness on k+12 Table 3.1 Respondent’s Awareness| Frequency| Percentage| Yes| 38| 76%| No| 12| 24%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the level of awareness of the respondents. The 76 % of the respondents are aware of the K+12 Program while 24 % of the respondents do not know exactly the program. If Yes, Table 3.2 In Media| Frequency| Percentage| Radio| 8| 21.67%| Newspaper| 9| 24.17%| TV| 13| 33.33%| Internet| 4| 10.83%| Others:| 4| 10.83%| | Total=38 | Total:100%| The table shows where the aware respondents acquired the information. 33.33 % of the respondents get the information from television; 24.17 % get the information from newspaper; 21.67 % from radio; 10.83 % from internet and 10.83% get the information from other ways. Table 3.3 Awareness of Respondent’s on Additional 2 years in Basic Education| Frequency| Percentage| Yes| 39| 78%| No| 11| 22%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the awareness of respondents on the additional 2 years in the basic education. The 78 % of the respondents are aware of the additional years while 22 % of the respondents are not aware of the additional years. Table 3.4 Awareness of Respondent’s on Required Kindergarten on Education | Frequency| Percentage| Yes| 40| 80%| No| 10| 20%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the awareness of the respondents on required kindergarten on the education. The 80 % of the respondents are aware of the required kindergarten while 20 % of the respondents are not. 4. Respondent’s Knowledge on K+12 Table 4.1 Respondent’s Knowledge on Required Junior and Senior High School before Entering College| Frequency| Percentage| Yes| 32| 64%| No| 18| 36%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the respondents’ knowledge on required Junior and Senior High School before entering college. The 64 % of the respondents know about the required years while 36 % of the respondents do not. If yes, Table 4.2 Respondent’s Knowledge on technical and minor course in Senior High School| Frequency| Percentage| Yes| 26| 81.25| No| 6| 18.75| | Total=32| Total:100%| The table shows the respondents’ knowledge on technical and minor courses in Senior High School. The 81.25 % of the respondents know about the courses while 18.75 % of the respondents do not. 5. Attitude(s) of Respondent on K+12 Table 5.1 Respondent’s Attitude on K+12| Frequency| Percentage| Yes | 35| 70%| No| 15| 30%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the respondents’ attitude on K+12 Program. The 70 % of the respondents agreed on the Program while 30 % of the respondents do not. Table 5.2 Degree of Favorableness| Frequency| Percentage| Strongly Agree| 7| 14%| Agree| 26| 52%| Neutral| 17| 34%| | Total=50| Total:100%| The table shows the degree of favourableness of the respondents who agreed on the K+12 Program. The 52 % of the respondents agree on the said program while 14 % f the respondents strongly agreed and 17 % of the respondents are neutral. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter shows the conclusions and recommendations of the researchers. Conclusions After doing the survey to the selected respondents, the researchers arrived at the following conclusions: 1. Most of the respondents are aware of the K+12 Program regardless of their educational background. 2. The main source of the information to the program is through television and many from the respondents are aware of the additional 2 years to the basic education curriculum. 3. Most of the family of the respondents is having an income that is not enough to sustain and support the additional years for education. Recommendations: The researchers recommended the following: 1. The respondents for the future researches should be more than on this previous study. 2. The respondents must be categorized properly to get a reliable information from Filipino families. 3. The survey should be improved in scope and in reliability. 4. A longer duration of study is commended to achieve more accurate results. BIBLIOGRAPHY Athman, J., Monroe, M. (2000). Elements of effective environmental education programs. Retrieved July 27, 2012 from Recreational Boating Fishing Foundation: Blansett, S.P. and M.C. Gershwin. (2005). â€Å"Developing a Statewide Work Readiness Credential in Colorado: A Preliminary Assessment.† Report to the Colorado Workforce Development Council. Denver CO: Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Center for Education Policy Analysis, Graduate School of Public Affairs,University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center. (2006). Learning Together: Assessing Colorado’s K-12 Education System. Denver CO: Colorado Department of Local Affairs. Colinares, Nilo E. 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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Daniel Goleman Theory of Emotional Intelligence Essay Example for Free

Daniel Goleman Theory of Emotional Intelligence Essay The cognition ability among humans is as varied as their physical abilities. However, one apparent fact is that they all possess some similar characteristics. Psychologists have often tried to understand humans by studying their behavior and explaining it in terms of sense cognition. As such, it has been argued that the way a person perceives and interprets his physical world, described and exhibited in behavior, is determined by intelligence. However, psychologists are not yet agreed on the exact definition of intelligence even though there are some agreed upon attributes that can be attached to the concept. The ability to comprehend complex ideas, handle situations effectively and reason is varied among humans. It is recognized that this variation is substantial but never consistent as an individual will exhibit different intellectual performance on different occasions. The concept of intelligence is thus aimed at rearranging and clarifying these complex phenomena. There has been progress with regard to rearranging and clarifying these complex phenomena even though they still do not command universal assent. Psychologists have often focused on cognitive aspects on their analysis of intelligence. In other words, emphasis has always been laid on such aspects like memory and problem solving skills. However, some psychologists recognize the importance of non-cognitive aspects in analyzing intelligence. In his definition, David Wechsler identifies such factors like rationality, purposeful action and ability to handle the environment effectively as the main features of intelligence. In his early works, Wechsler identified non-intellective as well as intellective aspects. By intellective and non-intellective aspects, he was referring to social, personal and affective factors. (Wechsler, 1940: 444-445) He further held that the possibility of success in life is dependent upon non-intellective abilities. In recent past, a new aspect has emerged with regard to intelligence and this has been motivated by the need to explain how emotions and thought impact on each other. It is thus in the interest of this paper to look at this aspect of intelligence which has gained prominence in the field of psychology. This new aspect is what has been referred to as emotional intelligence. In this paper, I will look at the development, theories and elements of emotional intelligence. What is Emotional Intelligence: Background The term emotional intelligence was coined by Salovey and Meyer in 1990. When they coined this term, they were well aware of the previous work by other psychologists on non-cognitive aspects of intelligence. In their description of emotional intelligence, Salovey and Meyer viewed it as the ability of an individual to guide his or her thinking and action through monitoring his or her feelings and emotions (and those of others) and compare them against his own. As such, they considered it a form of social intelligence. The study in this field of social intelligence emerged as a result of research in the field of cognition and affect. Research in this area also gained prominence as a result of works by other psychologists who pointed out that there could be a cognitive connection between mood and judgment. These psychologists suggested that there could be a possibility that when a person gets happy, for instance, he is bound to cognitively judge his past positively thus elevating his moods further. On the other hand, bad moods lead to negative thoughts thereby increasing or worsening the condition. Robert Zajonc (1980) suggested that in determining attitudes, feelings played a bigger role than cognition. His argument was that it is feelings which paid attention to the physical world. This view emanated from an empirical conception of human life. It is a widely held position that it is the senses that is responsible for feeding the brain with information for interpretation. This on the other hand affected or is affected by moods and memory. The influence of mood on memory was examined by Gordon Bower who described an activation model of memory. He observed that happy moods influenced happy thoughts while on the other hand, sad moods influenced sad thoughts. (Bower, 1981) According to him, if one was in the state of happiness, he is bound to view his past social actions positively which in turn stimulates positive thoughts. On the other hand, if one is sad, he is bound to view his past as a series of failures within the social realm thereby increasing his sadness. As such, the state of mind influences attitude and cognition. This analysis by Bower helped in the comprehension and explanation of many empirical aspects of emotional intelligence. Much contribution in the field of emotional intelligence was brought by Clerk and Fiskes Affect and Cognition. A departure from research on the interaction between emotion and cognition was marked by the study of emotion and thought by social, personality and cognitive psychologists. The concept of defense mechanism by Sigmund Freud even though put emphasis on the pathological factors, also recognized and emphasized on the interaction between thought and emotion. The view that emotions prejudiced and disrupted thought was inherited when the cognition and affect literature surfaced. The idea that emotions and thought caused biasness went hand in hand with the idea that emotions could be adaptive for thought. This went on as inquiries into emotions and thought diverged from an emphasis on psychopathology to normal everyday thoughts and moods. The result was the idea that intelligence and emotions can integrate to perform complex information processing that either cannot manage independently. This was the development of the concept of emotional intelligence. Salovey and Mayer in their attempt to develop accurate and valid measures of emotional intelligence initiated a research program which was also meant to explore its significance. Daniel Goleman recognized their work which led to his formulation of the theory of emotional intelligence. Theories of Emotional Intelligence There is a general conception that emotion and intelligence are two distinct concepts which cannot integrate. As such, the term emotional intelligence appears as a contradiction. However, emotions often convey messages which can be processed. That is, they signal relations. This assumption makes the term sensible. Philosophers have often inquired into the nature and meaning of emotions and came into a conclusion that they define the relationship between an individual and other members of the society. As such, every emotion defines an individuals relationship with himself and his relationship with others. There is a universality and regularity in the meaning of emotions. Comprehending the universal meaning of emotions was adopted by cognition and affect researchers. A system which defined joy as a positive feeling which comes after an assurance that an action will be rewarded and relief as a positive feeling which points to the absence of punishment was outlined by Roseman (1984). A similar approach was taken up by Ortony, Clore and Collins (1988) which defined joy as a â€Å"well being† emotion which comes as a result of self reaction to desirable occurrence. Emotional intelligence can be fragmented into four branches of abilities. These include perceiving and expressing emotions, integrating emotions in thoughts, comprehending and managing emotions. All these are important in the overall theory of emotional intelligence. Perceiving Emotions Accurate perception is the first step in emotional information processing. The system of emotional perception is a product of evolution built through time so as to facilitate communication between parent and child. The child therefore learns emotions from the mother. For instance, when the infant smiles, her mother reflects back the kind of face associated with smiling which in this case is contracting the cheeks muscles. As a person grows, he learns to generalize patterns of how emotions are manifested in the physical realm which includes objects, artwork and even other people. For instance, a person may associate a relaxed shouldered posture with calmness. Emotional integration After the perception of an emotion, it has the capacity to influence cognition at various points of processing. Emotional integration thus focuses on the contributions that emotion makes in the reasoning process. Various suggestions have been put forward on how emotions may facilitate cognition. According to Easterbrook (1959), Mandler (1975) and Simon (1982), emotions provide an impulse to prioritization. (Tad. In John D. Mayer, Emotions, Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. p. 420) For instance, someone in deep concentration in say, a movie is oblivious of the surrounding environment, even the couch he is seated on. Nonetheless, he may experience a growing sense of anxiety and on hearing the voices of children outside; he realizes that he is supposed to be in a psychology class. The interrupting anxiety to some extent is a second processing system independent of the central cognitive system. As such, it enables cognition to direct resources to a problem until and unless a competing response emerges. Another way through which emotions help cognition is by functioning as a secondary store about emotions themselves. For instance, if an artist wants to paint suffering, he reflects back on an experience or scene of suffering and recreates the feeling. The act of mood cycling or mood switching is another way through which emotions contribute to intelligence. Cognitive system is often refreshed by mood alterations. These mood alterations have a consequence of bringing various emotional tools to handle a particular problem. According to Mayer, a shift in judgment through increasing motivational direction may enhance functioning. (Ibid. 421) A cycling of moods also provides different perspectives on a subject or problem thereby enhancing creativity. Mood can also assist intelligence by providing implicit information on past experiences. As such they act as references in decision making processes. For instance, one may have some facts on a given event but still would not be in a position to choose which of his alternatives is best for him. As such, he reflects back on his feelings towards those alternatives. Emotions thus summarize these past experiences. Comprehending Emotion The closest branch to traditional intelligence is understanding emotions. The hypothesis is that there exists a mental processor whose main function is to understand, abstract and reason about emotional data. Labeling feelings and understanding what they represent are just but part of this processing. For instance, one may label a feeling love. As such, he or she recognizes that love reflects upon relationship with other people. Emotion Management This is the final branch to emotional intelligence model. It involves the management of emotions for personal development and growth. For instance, an informative emotion enables one to gather information about his environment, especially the social environment, if one opens himself for such information. People open to sadness will best understand the painful conditions which man has to grapple with in the course of existence. This also enhances the good in the sense that one may not be in the position to appreciate blessings if he doe not understand the difficulties in life. For instance, after sacrificing ones time to study hard, he may achieve happiness when he graduates with a first class honors. However, openness is not the end of management. The knowledge gained from perceiving, integrating and understanding emotional dispositions must be put into practical use in order to maximize emotional management. In other words, it is through perceiving and understanding emotions that one knows the consequences of experiencing them or blocking them. The theory has left open the way in which emotional intelligence manage emotions. Intelligence enables one to explore and evaluate possibilities with their own goals in mind. Even though one may hope that many people manage their emotions well, emotionally intelligent individuals at times manage their feelings negatively. Discussion The foundations of the new theory of emotional intelligence are based on the field of cognition and affect. As inquiries were made on how thoughts were altered by emotions by cognition and affect researchers, a shift emerged from the clinical researchers who emphasized on how thoughts were pathologized by emotions. Normalization of such phenomena was started by the cognition and affect researchers who who found them in everyday human behavior. The focus of emotional intelligence was thus how emotions and intelligence facilitate each other mutually in order to create a high level of emotional information processing and a higher level of thought. A model of emotional intelligence was formulated which viewed it as a form of intelligence mainly concerned with processing emotional signals related to relationships. As such, emotional intelligence is concerned with the capacity to consider emotions rationally for better management. Measuring Emotional Intelligence The assessment of intelligence is done entirely by ability tests. As observed earlier, theoretical model construction and measurement procedures are involved in the development of emotional intelligence. Individuals who take ability tests are subjected to relevant mental tasks within a controlled environment. This is meant to measure their optimum mental performance. However, the examination of many different skills which may be tied to intelligence is a requirement for the establishment of intelligence. This is so because the existence of intelligence is based upon the intercorrelation between skills which also develop with age. The Value of Emotional Intelligence When people are confronted with setbacks or failure, they tend to make some causal attributions. Optimists tend to make external attributions that are temporary and specific while pessimists make internal attributions which are universal and permanent. This is according to learned optimism construct developed by Martin Seligman. In a research carried among salesmen by Seligman and his colleague, they found that optimistic new salesmen sold more insurance in their first years than the pessimistic ones. When the company hired another group of individuals who failed normal screening but scored high on optimism, the made more sales than the pessimists by 21 per cent. (Schulman, 1995). an aspect of emotional intelligence which has exhibited much success is the ability to handle stress and manage feelings. Tests of Emotional Intelligence According to Goleman, even though entry level executive positions require technical skills and IQ, high emotional intelligence is an integral part of high performance leadership. A simple emotional test based on theories by Goleman can help identify emotional intelligence and leadership. As such, one may establish his emotional intelligence through the use of emotional intelligence test so long as it is based firmly on emotional intelligence theory. A happier and more balanced lifestyle can be achieved by an awareness of ones emotional abilities which may also help in improving his emotional intelligence. Rating of ones ability to regulate his emotions in a balanced and healthy manner can be achieved through emotional intelligence tests. After the completion of the test, an individual is in a better position to comprehend his greatest emotional strengths and weaknesses which enables him to evaluate his aptitude in every emotional category. Emotional intelligence theory is also important in identifying the emotional intelligence of a child which provides abase for emotional intelligence training. Developing emotional intelligence skills require that one is in a position to identify his emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses. References Bower, G. , H, (1981) Mood and Memory. American Psychologist. 36, 129-148 ed. John D. Mayer, Emotions, Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence. p. 420 Goleman D. (1995) Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Mayer, J. Salovey, P. Choosing a Measure of Emotional Intelligence: The Case for Ability Scales. In R. Ban-On Handbook for Emotional Intelligence. Guilford Wechsler, D. (1940) Non intellective Factors in General Intelligence, Psychological Bulletin, 37, 444-445 Zajonc, R. , B. , (1980) Feeling and Thinking: References Need No Inferences. American Psychologist, 35, 151-175